SM-league semi-finals Tappara face today badly shorthanded HPK:no.Gold helmet Teemu Turku was not seen today on the ice. Tomi Jokela/AOP

the home team HPK had to put rosterinsa the new faith tonight the fourth semi-final match. Teams possess a sick case of the wave, and as many as five key players will be sidelined for tonight’s game.

Configurations are the fallen attackers Valtteri Puustinen , Niclas Lucenius gold helmet Teemu Turunen . The defense on the sidelines are Niklas Friman and Miro Karjalainen .

in Particular through sensation player Turunen absence makes really a significant notch hämeenlinna attack.

HPK has been forced to create a completely new waiting to pounce when, where Philip Krivosikin with skate playoff debytantit Jaakko Kuusisto and Erkka Seppälä . The club’s defense to return to the game after the ban experienced Arto Laatikainen . Paint continues Emil seminar will consists of presentations .

Tappara have not needed to make group changes to the third game. Tampere, leading the best of the four methods of gameplay semi-final series voitoin 2-1.