The new generations are modifying the procedures for selection of personnel. Companies will no longer fall in love with the candidates to the naked eye. You have to convince them of its benefits to be able to sign them. Especially if these millennials or members of generation Z, as digital natives, they have the technology profiles for the currently organizations are given nudges. “A priori, when they don’t know the project, they believe that the job of a bank is in the offices. And that sounds prehistoric. That is our first hurdle to get closer to young people. The second is that the prestige of the financial institutions not experiencing its best moment. That’s why we can no longer reach the millennials and digital natives in a traditional way. We have to go looking for them actively to social networks”, explains Marga Pérez, director of personnel selection of Bank Sabadell.

‘Big data’, ‘chatbots’, videoentrevistas and other forms of artificial intelligence to capture the young

And there are emerging companies of recruitment which deal with almost all the process of selection from its central computers. It is the case of The key talent, a start-up created in 2015 which team will be equally divided between experts in digital marketing, technologists, and specialists in human resources, points out José Luis Gugel, director general. “Before the resumes are filtered by hand, in six seconds each. And now to the new digital profiles you can’t tell your history; they are passive candidates, you have to go to catch you. We do not put the focus of the selection in the screen but in the attraction”, he adds. And, as one of the channels, the more powerful are the social networks, the company makes campaigns segmented digital marketing impactarles “in two clicks” and “that they can sit in front of the director of human resources of the contracting company in a week.”

Behind are the powerful algorithms that enable the big data and artificial intelligence. Also the microinfluencers (people of reference in its field and with over 10,000 followers on social networks), that uses to be able to reach the applicants most sought after by companies. And video games with which to capture young people through challenges and then interview the chosen by videoconference.

In the hands of the robot

it is Also the case of IBM, or of the Fundación Telefónica together to Infojobs. The three entities have launched this week their tools. It is about IBM Talent & Transformation, where, among other things, the robot Watson will review the nominations, it will match vacancies are applicants (which has tripled already in the company, the number of applicants for the jobs it offers), will provide personalized advice and address unconscious bias in the organizations. Precisely the problem detected in the Amazon in a staff selection process, where the artificial intelligence used only chose men to be the only ones that had parameters comparable.


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The tool of the Fundación Telefónica and Infojobs, Connected to Employment, it Sultanbet is more simple. Uses artificial intelligence to define in real time the 23 technology profiles most demanded by the market (that is to say, data analyst, data scientist, specialist in robotics, cybersecurity, agile methodology and expert in user experience) and select the job offers that they have every one of them at that time in Spain, segmented by locations; it also advises the candidates. As in the case of IBM, also offers online training (30,000 courses).

Are the new formulas to attract the talent digital, many companies are not coming because what they tell of them to the applicants they are not interested, because they don’t do social networking right, or because the tone of the communication is not appropriate, appreciate, Gugel.

According to Gonzalo Manrique, ceo of Ironhack, the school of programming that will train 1,500 experts this year, which will be placed close to 90% in just three months, he says, all companies are going to the same fishing grounds to capture personal technology. Universities, business schools, specialized centres such as Ironhack or ISDI, events of start-up as South Summit or JSDay, or social networks such as LinkedIn or In fact, in recognition of Yvonne Agyei, head of the department of human resources, “to attract the best talents in the technological world we use different methods, from the organization of hackathons, and thematic meetings in technology forum to the publication of nominations via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter”.

The high demand from ‘millennials’ technology makes to impose their laws

Among the companies that most programmers and web designers are looking for, Gonzalo Manrique appointment to Inditex, Cabify, Mercadona and Indra. And what is it that you want these technology experts? Be in projects more pointers, “do not want stability or business reputation but work in a different way, with flexibility, motivation, meritocracy, learning continuously and producing in remote”. It is the case of David Rodriguez, a programmer specializing in Ruby, which has become autonomous to be able to work at your own pace and have free time. “I appreciate the freedom to do what you want when you want, that’s why I demand that the work is in remote,” he says. We currently have two offers on the table, after working with the Madrid city Council on issues of citizen participation. And it is only used when the subject of the project you are interested in. Normal, he says, is for companies to contact you through the platform developers Github.

Big data, robots with artificial intelligence, video games, videoentrevistas… what comes next will be the technology that measures biometric parameters to detect moods or keystrokes to evaluate candidates, as is already the case in the united States, indicates Enrique Sánchez, director of integrators Experis IT, that next year you will have your chatbot operating to select personnel, who are still adjusting.

yes, at the end of all these processes (much more agile than traditional, in addition to allowing the monitoring in real time), there is always the personal interview, which is the one that makes the difference, according to all the experts consulted, in the face of the contract.

You need…

24% of Spanish managers surveyed by Manpower said that tiene difficult for them to find technological talent. Why develop tools for ‘atraparles’ in their midst. Signature of human resources has identified the largest users of new technologies in the job search. Called pioneers, and are 11% of the total. They have used three or more technologies for conseguirtrabajo in the last six months. Request the double of posts than the rest of applicants, 18 front to 10. The tools that you choose to go from using Siri or Alexa to find deals (6%), to learn of vacancies through social networks (31%), mobile applications (21%), text messages (12%), the chat of the website of the employer (11%), vídeoentrevistas (10%), trade fairs virtual job (8%) or games of skill (6%).