Noora lotta Neziri has resorted to the unexpected treatment.Noora lotta Neziri has resorted to cupping. Timo Hartikainen / AOP
Tähtiaituri published on Twitter a picture of the leg, which is full of special cups.
– Cupping, Neziri open the image in the text.
Cupping is an ancient form of treatment. It skin made a small wounds, which is attached to the rubber imupallot. The vacuum allows the body absorbed out of the blood.
Cupping can be done even without the wounds, when it is bloodless and painless. A 15-minute dry cupping can answer up to an hour of traditional massage.
on Twitter, fans are wondering why Neziri has ended up with such treatment.
– affects the mm. muscle faskioihin, metabolism accelerate and can also be dealt with trigger points, Neziri told.
the Treatment is believed to help muscle pain and blood circulation ailments.
Neziri is currently in Tenerife training camp.
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