The Imserso social tourism program for the 2022-2023 season will offer 820,000 places, which will not suffer a price increase compared to the previous season, for the almost four million elderly people who appear as beneficiaries.

The initial places will be expandable if there is sufficient demand, the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda has reported.

In this way, exposes the ministry headed by Ione Belarra, Imserso trips are expected to “meet the expectations” of the elderly and collaborate “with the maintenance of seasonal employment in the tourism sector.”

This week the beneficiaries of these trips will receive information letters about the start of the new season, which will run from October 2022 to June 2023.

At the end of June, the call that will open the application period for the registration of new beneficiaries or the modification of data will be published in the BOE, and it will not be until September when the accreditation of the participants is confirmed.

Finally, in the second fortnight of September, the trips will begin to be marketed, coinciding with the low tourist season, in mid-October.

Social Rights recalls that the present Imserso travel campaign is going to close with more than half a million trips made and with a high rate of satisfaction on the part of users.

Similarly, it points out that travel is safe for older people: of the 420,000 registered travelers until mid-May, only 625 had been infected with coronavirus.