The phenomenon of housing vacancy, Switzerland since years. The low interest rates bring professional investors to invest in apartments. Because real estate are still profitable. Even if one or the other apartment is empty. On the stock markets, investors usually reach no such high yields, like real estate. So will there be more investment in rental housing.

As a new study of the Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB), has now fallen but the number of newly approved rental housing. The Bank observed in 2018, a total decrease of 7 percent. This is driven mainly by the development in the major cities. In Zurich, for example, last year, had been granted 36 percent fewer rental apartments as of 2017 found out the ZKB. In Basel the number of neubewilligten apartments fell by 19 percent.

The vacancy problem will not relax but also this year. Because the investors are building in other regions than the cities. This is because it is in the cities has become increasingly difficult to implement at all apartment buildings. Outside of the centers no demand for new housing.

The Bank believes, therefore, that there will be even more vacant rental housing. It expects about 72’000 empty housing units in the year 2020. Today there are just under 60’000. Ursina Kubli, head of real estate Research of the Zurich cantonal Bank, says: “We assume, therefore, that in the future, not because most of the living room, where most of the people want to live.”

As an example, the ZKB is called the regions of the lower Valais or in the Jura. There are very many rental properties were already empty, the new building permits were also increased. In the Jura region of about 158 percent. In Olten, Solothurn and Grenchen is not expected to ease, according to ZKB, the situation as quickly and, because, in turn, rented accommodation have been approved, although many are empty.

relaxation in some of the regions

But the house does not see the development of just gloomy. Because it is precisely in the Region of Aarau, where many apartments are empty, there are signs of a relaxation. This is because much less new rental housing were approved. The same also in the Oberaargau and in the Region of St. Gallen.

In theory, would have to come the Rent is so much vacancy to Slip. The is not but according to the ZKB. The Bank expects the whole of Switzerland in 2019 and 2020 of a decrease of the rent offer of 0.5 per cent. However, not all the tenants will be able to benefit at all. In the Canton of Zurich, Zürcher Kantonalbank expects that the rents in 2019 will hardly change, and in 2020, even 0.5 will be more expensive. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 26.03.2019, 08:02 PM