Recently read on this guide page, it is right that a 3a-Bank Foundation for the capital relation a proof of residence required. I have another example that shows what flowers think of the safety in the area of Prevention. My wife can be a part of your pension Fund at Retirement in cash. The pension Fund does not insist now, but just the fact that I signed the application for the lump-sometimes – which is, of course, but you want to see my signature officially certified. It costs me a minimum of 30 francs. The certification is really needed: not, Would be sufficient for my signature, plus a copy of my passport as proof?
no, that would not be enough. The pension Fund must be able to go, that the signature is genuine. You may not have the necessary Tools to be able to the authenticity solely on the basis of written documents.
Married or living in a registered partnership persons need the consent of the partner or the partner, if you want to withdraw your pension Fund assets in whole or in part in cash. In addition, the consent must be in writing; it says so in the law.
to check whether the requirements are satisfied, require the funds, a notarized signature of the Person who must consent to the lump-sum. It is recommended that the pension Fund Association Asip.
An Alternative to certification would be that it makes the signature directly to the office of the Fund. Specifically: The spouse or registered Partner, under the approval of the lump-writes before the eyes of the with the pension Fund managing entity. This is possible but only if it offers the pension Fund. This must then also be in the regulations of the Fund.
it Makes his signature directly in the pension Fund is free of charge, but not necessarily less expensive than a notarial certification. Because in the one as in the other case you have to go in person, and the next notary’s office may be closer than the office of the pension Fund.
In the Rest of the can for the attestation of the signature by the notary is free to choose – there must also be one from the neighboring Canton.
Andrea Fischer answered your questions to the employment law, consumer law, social security law and family law. Send them to (editor-in-Tamedia)
Created: 10.12.2018, 10:20 p.m.