Jacob Wallenberg is not only a frequent visitor in Davos, he is also deeply involved in the aerospace industry, including by their board of directors of the SAS. So when DN ask him to what extent the climate crisis has affected his own flying – something many swedes with klimatångest have asked themselves – will there be a negative answer:

– You can’t discuss the environment by breaking out an area that is easy to identify and say that it will solve all of our problems. Aviation accounts for three percent of the Swedish emissions and one-and-a-half per cent of the emissions in the world. That we in Sweden have a debate that is only about this, I think, is unfortunate, ” he says.

Read more: Record number of private jet to Davos

its view, inter alia, that the flight is ”an important ingredient” in the world as it is structured today.

” We need to look at the big picture. The flight must take responsibility and we must ask the industry about what it can do to address environmental issues. I want to have a deeper and wider debate about biofuels and electric motors.

According to Jacob Wallenberg, however, the airline industry also developed a multitude of such thoughts and ideas, even if it does not come forward in the media debate.

– instead, it is just this with the ”have you stopped flying?” It may not be a due debate on such an important issue. Instead, we must question how we in Sweden can work with the big picture, where the flight is a part, but not a particularly important part of it.

also to hundreds of thousands of people is dependent on what he calls besöksindustrin.

” And so shall we stop it! How do we solve the problem of all unemployed then? You need to find interconnected solutions between the economy and the environment, and not just pull out a piece. Then it becomes a populist debate in a too important issue. The cars are to take an example, is infinitely worse.

Michael Winiarski: the Climate issue high on the agenda in Davos

The threat of an economic downturn and a possible trade war US-China is the question, at hand, about the climate, digitisation and globalisation, has been debated the most during this year’s Davos. But Jacob Wallenberg said to be ”quite calm”. He does not believe that the downturn in the economy means that the world economy is moving towards a new recession.

– It is a normal variation and no crisis. We may be going from 2-2,5% growth rate to 1-1,5%. The world is consolidated and calms down a bit.

the risk factors are greater than in a long time. It can become a real trade war and geopolitical development of the military character.

When DN wants to bring into the conversation on the formation of the government of Sweden reacts Jacob Wallenberg with a laugh and exclaim, ”Swedish politics? Now we are in Davos!”

He declines to comment on the new government, but will still check on Swedish politics.

” well, We’ll see. Business conditions were discussed at all never during the election campaign in Sweden, it takes for granted that the business sector provides jobs and the tax base of the welfare state that we all are proud of. Because we in the business community is such an important part of society, I am calling for a closer cooperation with the policy, regardless of government.

for how Sweden can become a better country for the entrepreneurs and innovations. The lack of employee stock options, which are not available in Sweden because of the tax code, is one of the reasons that a company like Spotify has moved its headquarters from Stockholm to New York.

” It’s not very good that we are losing one of the most exciting companies in the world to the rest of the world. And we could not prevent it, for two reasons: stock options and accommodations, ” says Jacob Wallenberg.

Read more: A happy Bolsonaro stepped up on the stage in Davos

stock options, he explains, is the only way for the growing company, which has lots of ideas but no money, to give their employees the prospect of in the future to earn money.

is the dysfunctional housing market, where a reform, incidentally, is one of the 73 points in the deal between P, MP, L and C.

– It leads to is that when the School wants to take foreign professors to Stockholm and Ericsson to attract foreign software engineers so thank the no. Why? They find no accommodation. In that case, they need to buy, but who is young today can afford it?