Kaisa Mäkäräinen is already good for a while made the trip Canmoresta Park City. Finnish has flown twice, but deviated from the target about a thousand miles.Toni Fools analysis Mäkäräinen season before the Canada world cup. Pasi Liesimaa

Biathlon world cup-weekend Canada Canmoressa go got the shanks, as the normal travel of the ski units are abbreviated and quick races had to be canceled completely hard frost.

balance Canmoressa remained normal cell of the 48th place.

the Championships continue on Thursday in the U.s. Park City. Mäkäräinen vibe is not affected, at least significantly improve on the way Canmoresta Park City.

the Finnish share the mood on social media and told me that the trip could accommodate plenty of misfortune.

– Luxury travel day a’la America, Mäkäräinen started.

Mäkäräinen told he had arrived at the airport hotel tonight and heard that all flights to the united states the city of Seattle is canceled.

the Finnish coach to acquire new flights to Toronto via Salt Lake City. Mäkäräinen woke up at five in the morning and fly to the other side of Canada in Toronto, but there Mäkäräinen rifle was missing for more than two hours. Mäkäräinen did not have time to further his flight to Salt Lake City.

in the End Mäkäräinen from the Us side, but had then to tarry a while in customs.

– What happens next? I don’t know yet.

Mäkäräinen also sent humorous greetings to the International biathlon union.

– can you kindly wait for me at the start of Thursday?

the Latest updates Mäkäräinen has made the Atlanta airport, or about 2 500 miles away from future racing events. Distance Canmoresta Park City is bird road for about 1 500 km, i.e. two flight Finnish is distanced from the target about a thousand miles.

Kaisa Mäkäräinen trying to get to Park City. AOP