Finn moved the sights before makuuammuntaa. Expert Toni Fools give solution recognition. Mäkäräinen told that it was a shooting coach with the agreed solution.Kaisa Mäkäräinen action shooting spot seemed an expert. AOP
the evening paper of the expert working Toni Fools give Kaisa Mäkäräinen plenty of recognition, when this moved the sights before Anterselvan Thursday quick race makuuammuntaa.
– Kaisa made a couple of moves and shoot a zero. It tells the professionalism. It was, however, possession and knowledge the background, although it’s been difficult lately. If it would not have dared to do, very likely one would come and sakkorinki called Fools petiole.
the evening journal Anterselvan by phone objective by a star athlete tell me more details of the game from the store.
It was rigged shooting coach Juha priest island . Here is many times the wind turned in another direction shooting spot of the day as they get older. The alignment of the shots we don’t take transfers, but agreed to the game store the race, Mäkäräinen says.
He was pleased with the decision.
– It was very successful. Though I don’t know whether it needed to do, because the shots might have already hit. Not because so much had the self-confidence to do with, the sights I moved, because it was more like a tactical deal.