“Kateterbyte missed in seven months”
“the nursing staff at a nursing home in Lund missed to change the catheter on an elderly man in seven months and three weeks. Now the event notified in accordance with lex Maria, the Inspection for health care (IVO) as a serious iatrogenic harm, Sydsvenskan writes.”
“the Man was being treated first at a short term and then in a retirement home. Usually should a catheter be replaced every third month, but the staff on both units missed to change the catheter. The man complained that he had pain, but only when he suffered an infection and was sent to the hospital discovered the error. At the hospital, the man antibiotics and recovered without harm.”
“– There has been a lack of communication and documentation, ” says Veronica Welin, director of Lund municipality’s special places, to Sydsvenskan.”
“the Units have now tightened up procedures for something similar not to happen again.”