KHL team jokerit of the financial statements is again substantially sub-zero temperatures, reported the trade magazine.Jokerit’s season has been athletic with a good, but economically the snow comes to the bay year after year. AOP

trade journal report paint a stark picture of the jokers of the economic situation. KHL-team makes from one year to another loss. Loss the size of the class is such that the team cannot really speak of a healthy business.

the Jokers Hockey Club in the previous fiscal year’s financial statements recorded a $ 12.5 million eur loss.

the Loss is greater than the company’s total turnover (eur 12.2 million). The fiscal year is the year 2017 from may this year until April.

KL:according to the year of the 2014-2018 period Jokerit has made a total of about 60 million euros loss.

Hefty losses has been acknowledged in the capital under the law. The financial statements did not disclose, who is the loan money back, but it will probably be easily deduced.

jokers of the majority of shares is still an mp-businessman Harry Harkimo owned. Harkimo has vowed to sell its holdings this year trusted the Finnish party.

jokers of the minority owner are Russian, Finnish Gennady Timtshenko and Roman Rotenberg . They apparently Timtshenko background subsidiaries has been funded by jokers of the heavily loss-making activities.

Wilds has got the financial year after the decision of the new capital loan of eur 13.4 million, the trade magazine reported. The newspaper pointed out that the company’s revenue is currently not sufficient to cover even personnel expenses, which were eur 14 million.

Something good: jokers of net sales increased from the previous financial year in the range of approximately 60%, and loss, declined about 2.5 million.

Source: the trade magazine.

mps Hjallis Harkimo said in November its intention to abandon its business.