Krista Pärmäkoski was completely superior to the free ski way 10 miles Ääneskosken SM-hiihdoissa. Krista Pärmäkoski dominating ten free competition at the SM-competitions. vesa pöppönen/aop

Pärmäkoski you win ten free competition, almost a minute difference between the Anne Kyllöseen . Bronze got Eveliina Piippo .

SM-gold was Pärmäkoskea career 12:p.

– Hard skiing from the beginning to the end. Try to go for it myself, that it has tomorrow off, what today I get good, Pärmäkoski smiled Yle, referring to Sunday’s pursuit.

interval start race was also included in the biathlete Kaisa Mäkäräinen , which ranked fifth.

the End came badly, Mäkäräinen summed Yle in an interview the reason for the medal loss.

weak to go to the world cup, you are eating still the mind of a woman.

– Sippi I’ve been mentally and physically. There’s nothing to tell anyone.

Kaisa Mäkäräinen challenged skiers SM-competitions. AOP