Finnish said, not tired, but the skis run out of gas.The evening paper analyzes the women’s message of disappointment.
Disappointing. Not just successful today, Krista Pärmäkoski started.
He departed with 18.8 seconds after the leading. Finnish narrowed the difference to eight seconds a mile after skiing, until the curve began to decline.
I don’t know whether I got tired or skis. The grip was ok. Was the ski such that it lasted or not to cream? It was seen that we had the most slippery of the ski. Compared to good coping. The difference is highlighted, if all is not okay.
Krista Pärmäkoski criticized skis the women’s message. PASI LIESIMAAIL
Pärmäkoski had its share of after 45 seconds the tip of and less than 35 seconds bronze.
– Changed a lot of weather about, when I was the warm-up. I was five minutes to one of the warm-up tracks, and the weather changed so quickly after the track fall flat. I don’t know whether the other maintenance guys more awake.
despite the Change in the Finnish leave the course at a predesignated pair.
– All games are to learn Friday men posts and weekend races, as the weather really changes in an instant. It has maintenance responsibility, that a switch, for example, the weekend championships hit in the middle of everything.
Pärmäkosken teammate Laura Mononen to open the share the disappointment after the Finnish post flop on.
It was absolutely not Laura’s fault. I could have been myself trying to ski it the difference of caught, Pärmäkoski underlined.