The national Association for quality development in hospitals (ANQ) is a measure of how many hospitals a quality problem at the clinic of the patient’s discharge after a surgery. The latest statistics with the data from the year 2017 shows a better picture than before: The number of hospitals with too many entries again went back to 14, but still to 15 institutions of higher than two years ago predicted.

The big hospitals seem to have entries, special problems with many again. Three of the five University hospitals are above the Norm, namely, Bern, Lausanne and Zurich. It looks better in Geneva, and Basel. Bern and Lausanne met for the second Time in a row. Zurich appeared for the first Time in the list, because the data were collected in 2017 for the first time, in a usable way. All three Unispitäler had in 2017, also a disproportionately high number of wound infections after surgery. Whether or not a connection with the re-entries is, however, was not investigated by the ANQ.

cantonal hospital Basel country, to re-appear on the list

Not just some of the big hospitals in the statistics. Also in the case of the Canton of hospitals mean records around admissions a quarter-to-many Again. Back to the list the two branches of the cantonal hospital of Basel-land in Liestal and Bruderholz are. In the Canton of Bern, only six instead of nine hospitals are on the list. The Central Switzerland does not occur at all. Smaller hospitals seem to have, on average, less problems. But there are also as eye-catching data. For example, the hospital Affoltern or the Spital Limmattal, in the Canton of Zurich.

87 percent of re-admissions to be effected in the same hospital, treated in which the Patient already had been.

And yet something is apparent: If the hospital stay is significantly shorter or longer than expected, then the probability that the Patient needs to be admitted once to the hospital increases. Regula Heller, Deputy Director of the ANQ, points out that this could not simply be justified with the introduction of case flat rates: “The hospital length of stay in Switzerland in international comparison still high.” 87 percent of re-admissions to be effected in the same hospital in which the Patient already had been treated, and the trend is rising.

validity of the measurement is limited

the island group includes the island’s hospital and the Tiefenau-hospital, appear on the list, declared patient safety a priority, such as media spokesman Marcel Wyler. You stand with ANQ in contact and have studied the methodology of the measurement. You had come to the conclusion that the statement is power limited. A maximum of one-quarter of re-admissions was due to error. In the case of the group of Islands even less. We’ve also found cases that had been incorrectly assessed. “In our eyes not a reliable indicator of the quality of care our hospitals can be drawn,” says Wyler. To make the measures taken, he is no information.

“For hospitals, it is not realistic, not potentially avoidable Rehospitalisationen to show for it.”Regula Heller, Deputy business Manager at the ANQ

The ANQ examined 880’000 hospital discharges from 193 hospitals from the year 2017. For each hospital, the Association calculated on the basis of the type of interventions, their complexity and the patients to the expected proportion of re-entries. A hospital appears on the list, if it has significantly more than the expected re-admission. In addition, different diagnostic groups were analyzed, and the results of the affected hospitals will be provided. The aim of the study is that the hospitals take measures to prevent re-admissions, if possible.

“For hospitals, it is not realistic, not potentially avoidable Rehospitalisationen exhibit,” says Regula Heller. Because they could not influence all the factors that led to a re-entry. “With the recommendations in the National comparison report and the hospital-specific measurement results, those hospitals with rehospitalisation rates have the standard but important indications of where to set and what actions should be taken,” says Heller.

Created: 19.11.2019, 23:28 PM