“The losses on all the plan after provfusk”
“To buy preference to a högstatusutbildning has proven to be fully possible. But the cheat on the scholastic aptitude test has a high price.”
“the Universities, revealed the students and those who did not become students – all are losers.”
“On Saturday, the 67, 000 people who signed up for the scholastic aptitude test show what they can do. But it is a test which scored the dreary associations after revelations about the cheaters who have paid for a good result.”
“As a result of this organised fraud so far has 76 provfuskare expelled from the sample in the two years. And the tests are backed by more stringent procedures and controls to prevent the issues spread and the answers reach the provskrivarna.”
“– Nowadays it is, for example, so that the test conductor does not go out and pick the material, but it comes to the hall where the seal is broken in the face of all provskrivare. Then a couple of provomgångar we also ask all provskrivare with a hat or veil to lift on it so that you see the ears, ” says head of unit Teresa Weidsten at Mälardalen university and is aimed at the small earplugs as the cheater had in the ears.”
“Over the past three years have also at least 33 students had been excluded from the education they on false grounds took. The sum is based on data from 18 of the country’s largest universities.”
“One could argue that misconduct is a marginal phenomenon. The charge is that the wrong play given the entrance ticket to the most coveted courses. The majority of the excluded former students studied for a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or economist. And they did it on the second applicant’s expense.”
“– It is the worst of it all. It is really, really. Many have as livsdröm to get into a particular education but may not realize it because the other takes a shortcut when they play clean, ” says Karin Apelgren, head of department of student affairs at Uppsala university.”
“Several of the people in the higher education community that TT spoken with warn that the fraud also strikes at the selection system and institutions of higher education.”
“– The most worrying is that misconduct undermines the credibility of the whole of the scholastic aptitude test, ” says manager Janne Andersson at Örebro university.”
“The program managers for the country’s medical programmes are also concerned:”
“the wrong play for also has costs. A student who is studying full-time and tentar of their courses cost an average of 81 000 sek per year in state appropriations to the current universitetu002Fhögskola. If the student has tuition rising, the cost to 113 000 per year.”
“A student who is revealed to be the HP-sharpers, and loses his place becomes a bad investment. According to the higher education institutions had several of the now excluded students had time to harvest one, two or three semesters.”
“in Addition, the fraud costs of the judiciary in the form of pre-trial investigations and court hearings, and for the UHR in the form of investigations and intensified checks in connection with the tests.”
“The student who is excluded from education on the other hand may keep the points the had time to cope. In the absence of a clear legal framework, educational institutions have agreed on the principle. The point can be put to use in job applications, or on a different training that the person is looking for and will be admitted to.”
“There are also cases in which students cheated on the sat but got to keep his place. It depends on that persons had been adopted in another kvotgrupp, thus, on the score. Already filled with other words, no purpose.”
“In at least a couple of cases have the insight to have gone over the limit cost:”
“– The individuals feel skitdåligt, sums up a chefsperson on one of the major universities and continues:”
“– My strong feeling is that those who cheated will come from home environments where you do not lose face. They have felt the pressure to live up to some kind of ideals.”
“the TT has been in contact with, or downloaded written assignment from 18 of the country’s universities, asking how many students who have been expelled from training after the CLOCK challenged the students’ results from the scholastic aptitude test. The figures, covering the period from 2016 until the end of march this year.”