Inflation fell slightly in march, according to Statistics sweden’s (SCB) new figures. It remains clearly below the Riksbank’s forecasts.

a small rise in underlying inflation (excluding energy prices), ” says Swedbank’s chief economist Anna Breman.

She does, therefore, continued assessment that the Riksbank will raise its key interest rate to zero just after the summer, in accordance with the Riksbank’s own forecast.

Nordea’s economists will come to a different conclusion. A rate hike remains far away, farther away than in years, track Nordeaekonomerna.

as unsafe. Many environmental factors control, such as brexit, duties and general konjunkturoro. That the European central bank and the us federal reserve flagged for deferred interest rate hikes also affect the Riksbank.

It becomes difficult for the Riksbank. But we believe that a septemberhöjning, ” says Anna Breman.

Inflation landed at 1.8 per cent, according to the measure of the CPIF, which is the measure used for the Riksbank’s inflation target, where the effects of changes in mortgage rates are borträknade. In February was 1.9 per cent. The overall rate of inflation, according to the measure of the CPI, was unchanged at 1.9 per cent.

Between February and march, prices have particularly risen in food, clothing and fuel. On the other hand, the prices of electricity, books and travel packages.