One loss and the Lynx start of the summer holidays. Design hockey quarterfinals is tampere team in terms of a very difficult prior to Wednesday home games.Emil Finland wasn’t Tuesday a Lynx involved. Elias Lahtinen

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When the regular season is calculated according to, Lynx is able to reach seven struggle twice in overtime, but the victory is still the exception.

– Guys have played well. Now paint situations and irtokiekkoihin needed still hard. They have had some bad luck too, Lynx-striker Sam Vainionpää said.

He returned on Wednesday to the rink three-match headband. Vainio’s head was punished in SaiPan Erik Deserted to target from the tackle.

Lynx players returned to Oulu by plane, so the strain should not be too much.

Tuesday morning the team met at 11 o’clock meeting, after which the program should jääharjoitus. Lynx captain, Emil Finland no hakametsä in sight. Key striker has had a fever the last few days and have been forced to leave the last two matches between the two.

Lynx team leader Markus Korhonen told Tuesday morning that Finland is still feverish.