“The majority of quakes for the cashless society: ”Money is practical””

“the Use of cash decreases drastically, and 2025, half of all stores stop accepting cash.”

“at the same time backs more and more swedes are now back for a whole kontantfritt society, shows a Sifo-survey.”

“the Share of cash payments in trade has decreased from near 40 to around 15 per cent between 2010 and 2016. At the same time, the number of bank branches with the kontantservice more than halved.”

“Electronic payment solutions are in demand of households and also increases the profitability of the banks. At the same time, a majority of swedes opposed to completely kontantfritt society, shows the survey carried out on behalf of Bankomat AB, which is owned by the major Swedish banks.”

“One of them is 75-year-old Norrköpingsbon Lars Lövman, who believe that the speed makes the cash to a superior payment.”

” I think money is practical and good in very many situations. The human I would say it is essential, ” he says.”

“And he is not alone. Now to 72 percent be able to pay cash in the future – four percentage points more than in the previous year.”

“– The problem that occurs when the cash disappears more attention and more, ” says Niklas Arvidsson, associate professor at the Royal Institute of technology (KTH), research on innovation and change in the area of payments.”

“For example, there would be situations where it is not possible to pay and receive payments if, for example, mobile coverage and internet connection is not working.”

“– Even if the cash is not the primary service, so they have a role to play as a backup, ” he says.”

“Most beneficial to the cash is older. Of those over 65 years to 85 per cent have left the cash.”

“But the proportion is also increasing among young people. Of those between 18 and 29 years old to 62 per cent, have left cash in the future, compared with 56 percent in the same measurement last year.”

“The biggest problems with evolution is, perhaps, the digital exclusion, and what happens in crisis situations, “says Johan Nilsson, customer – and marketing manager at Atm AB”

“the 52-year-old stockholmian Alex Mulinde has mixed feelings about the idea of a cashless society.”

“– If I speak for myself and all those who have a bank account I can’t see any problems, but if I want to give money to someone who does not have an account, then it becomes problematic.”

“So who then carry the responsibility? Riksbankskommittén, who was appointed by the government in 2016 in order to review the monetary policy framework, warning that kontantinfrastrukturen not be allowed to disappear too quickly.”

“the Riksbank is in full swing to investigate a possible e-crown, but until then you have the major banks to take a greater joint responsibility, they claim. Bankomat AB do think, however, that it is the task of the state.”

“– In some places there are simply no commercial interest to have cash left because the demand is decreasing. But the currency supply is important for society and therefore the responsibility of the state, ” says Johan Nilsson.”

“Kontantmängden in Sweden was 56 billion in march 2018, which is equivalent to 1.2% of GDP. This is the lowest proportion among all comparable countries, making Sweden the nearest unique from an international perspective.”

“on average took every american out 740 per month during the first half of 2018, which represents a decrease by almost 15 percent compared with six months before.”

“Source: Riksbankskommittén, Atm AB”