“May collect the government for even a brexitplan”

“the British parliament can still not find anything to support when it comes to brexit. It was rife with no yesterday.”

“today, prime minister Theresa May called for a regeringsmöte in marathon format.”

“During the morning and have May called in his ministers to a”

“According to Steven Swinford, deputy political editor at the Daily Telegraph, are the ministers ahead of today’s long regeringsmöte welcome to get acquainted with.”

“After regeringsmötet waiting for possibly a new vote in parliament on Wednesday.”

“Overall, the parliament voted no to the twelve different brexitalternativ, and three times said no to the prime minister, Theresa Mays utträdesavtal.”

“During the vote yesterday, conservative veteran Ken clarke’s proposals for a customs union with the EU, the closest and lost by only three votes, 273 votes against 276. Which is large Nick Boles focused on a solution in the style of Norway, the Efta-membership, EEA-agreement and the Uk remain in the EU internal market, but had to provide himself with 261 votes against 282.”

“Afterwards, he resigned immediately.”

“” I have failed, above all, to my party can’t compromise. Therefore, I regret now to have to announce that I am no longer able to represent this party, “said a teary-eyed Boles that are now moving to call themselves”

“The last two proposals was about to call for a referendum on a possible utträdesavtal (no, with 280 votes to 292), and whether to force a withdrawal of utträdesansökan if parliament will not necessarily want to leave without a contract (191 to 292).”

“Thus is brexitprocessen still as far from – or close to – finish as before.”

“Wednesday it is then supposed that the parlamentsdrivna brexitprocessen to proceed. Really what happens then is unclear. The prime minister May could very well come to try to present its utträdesavtal again in any form – in this case, for the fourth time.”

” The only option is to find a way forward that allows the Uk can leave with an agreement. The government still believes that the best is to do it as soon as possible. If it is possible to approve an agreement this week, it is still possible to avoid the EUROPEAN elections (in the Uk), said brexitministern Stephen Barclay after måndagskvällens polls.”

“at the same time still hope hårdbrexitsidan on the prime minister’s support for a withdrawal without an agreement with the EU on 12 april.”

“– It is up to the prime minister. I have not so much confidence in mrs May, but she has a chance to save the Conservative party and our democracy and take us out of the EU, said the conservative mep Andrew Bridge to Channel 4.”

“the Rest of the EU sits at the same time and are waiting impatiently for the news from London about how, when, and even if the Uk intended to leave the union.”

“– Patience is about to run out. We know what the british parliament says no to, but we do not know what they have to say yes to, ” stated commission president Jean-Claude Juncker in an Italian television interview on Sunday, according to Reuters news agency.”

“the Rest of the EU has given the Uk until 12 april to decide on the way ahead. April 10 is the 27 retention heads of state and government an extraordinary brexittoppmöte in Brussels.”