It is about 130 hectares of land on which Microsoft bought in Gästrikland. About half of it is located in Sandviken, sweden, and the other half in Gävle. Both parts are located in connection to the industrial areas in the municipalities. What areas will be used for is still unclear. The only thing that is said from the company’s press via email: ”Microsoft buys land in Gävle and Sandviken for future use in order to strengthen the company’s presence in Europe and the Nordic countries”.
Peter Kärnström (S) is with the president in Sandviken, and he says that this is the result of a process which has been going on for several years.
“They have been here and looked back and forth for a couple of years,” says Peter Kärnström.
– Then we have not known what they have been, but they have worked under various codenames.
Peter Kärnström, municipal executive board chairman of the Sandviken, sweden and Patrik Stenvard the president in Gävle, sweden to the right. Photo: Stefan Westrin
in the recent past, notably the last half of the year. The decision on the sale was taken by the extraordinary kommunstyrelsesammanträden in Gävle and Sandviken on Tuesday. The price tag ended up at 129 million for the site in Sandviken and 140 million for the land in Gävle. Peter Kärnström am very pleased with the decision, which he sees as historically.
– How many jobs this will provide is up to the company to comment, but we hope, of course, on many, ” says Kärnström.
He also hopes that a strong brand like Microsoft to be able to pull more players to the area, and says that the company signaled that they want to be with and develop the municipalities and the region.
” They have said that they want to be ”a good neighbor”. So the work now begins for us to take advantage of the fact that they chose to place themselves with us.
kommunstyrelseordförande have sold in the area to Microsoft that there is available land, available labor, that the municipalities interact with each other, that it is close to the mälardalen region and the airport and that there is infrastructure in the form of roads, railways, electricity supply and even the supply of skills.
the company decided to purchase two different areas, in two different municipalities, do not like Peter Kärnström seems so strange:
– It is well the land that was available I think. Though it is really just speculation from my side.
Also the Most kommunstyrelseordförande Patrik Stenvard (M) are very satisfied with the sales, and says it is the biggest decision he has been with and taken in many, many years. He says that he hopes and believes that this could provide many jobs to the municipality.
been here and looked at the municipality’s land, he understood, a few months ago, and he says that today’s sales will be important for the development of the industry in the region.
” We are a traditional industrilän, and this is the new industry, the future of the industry.
Read also: Microsoft introduces the code of ethics for face recognition