“Mysterious so all behind Bitcoin-lift”
“Kryptoman struck on Tuesday”
“A mysterious order of almost a billion dollars made to the Bitcoin step by up to 20 per cent on Tuesday.”
“Value is low during the day of over 5 000 dollars in the asian market.”
“It’s the highest level since november, reports Reuters.”
“Who is the mysterious Bitcoin-buyer?”
“wondering after Tuesday’s so all.”
“100 million dollars, almost a billion Swedish kronor, was put on three different kryptobörser (Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitstamp), according to Oliver von Landsberg-Sadie on the CBC Group.”
“– A algoritmstyrd the order of about 20 000 bitcoin has been placed on these three stock exchanges, ” he says to Reuters.”
“the Market is worth 160 billion dollars.”
“After the value has risen to over 5 000 of dollars on the asian market, the highest quotation since november, fell it a bit later to 4 to 800 dollars.”
“A rise of 16 percent, reports Dagens Industri.”
“Also currencies such as Ether, Ripple, and Litecoin rose in value.”
“According to the world of Business, the market for all kryptovalutor hosts around 160 billion dollars.”