the Least satisfied are the staff in, inter alia, transport, hotels and restaurant, commerce, and manufacturing industries. It shows new figures from the Jobbhälsoindex, an annual survey of health in the workplace, previously known as Jobbhälsobarometern.

DN recently published a series about how people can experience their work as meaningless. Among other things, we could tell you that close to half a million swedes are dissatisfied with their jobs.

to understand his mission and to see it as meaningful – all of it is the conditions for us to feel good at work. To also feel that both skills and time manage their assignments is also important.

Since 2015 has Jobbhälsoindex asked the question of the work’s meaningfulness. And the general trend in this year’s version is that more and more seems to lack such a sense.

on average, every tenth american can see according to the this year’s answer little meaning – in addition to the salary – having to go to work. 30 percent answer “neither”, while the rest said that their work is meaningful.

according to the survey – care and related workers, as well as the employees in culture, tourism and leisure. Where do at least seven of the ten that they make during the rounds is significant. In particular, in municipalities and county councils, in spite of the widespread dissatisfaction with these employers ‘ work environment and salary levels.

Above the law seems to more to experience a sense of the work in female-dominated workplaces than male-dominated.

High in the league of professions where the practitioners themselves point to a high meningsinnehåll is also law, economics, science, technology and research. Similarly, the defence, the social services and the prison and probation service.

with the job in addition to the salary dominates the worker’s jobs. But the picture is not clear-cut. For example, is both IT-consultants and the bank and försäkringsanställda low in self-experienced meaningfulness, while the LO-professions such as health care and care for the places themselves high.

However, deviating the public sector managers from the pattern: among them, the state just 53 percent are satisfied compared to 61 per cent of the business.

in the wearing and jobs, perceive fewer of the job content is meaningful. 16 per cent of young men and 15 per cent of the young women, lack of purpose, against ”only” 7% of men and 6% of women over 55 years of age.

Jobbhälsoindex also confirms that the sense of the work’s meaning or lack of meaning strongly correlate with the length of the sick leaves.

In the group who has been on sick leave for at least a month during the last twelve months said 18% lack of meaning in work, while those who had very few sick days were those with the most positive outlook. Among those who often have aches in the body, such as in the neck, joints and back due to musculoskeletal disorders (msds), was the feeling of lack of meaning more than three times as common.

see also: Hanna switched off due to: ”rocket fuel to do anything significant.”

see also: DN/Ipsos: Two out of three believe that their work makes the world better

Read also: Carl Johan von Seth: Nine out of ten swedes is not as the cartoon character Dilbert

also Read: Joseph ebba högström: Robot deprived me of my free thoughts

Read more: Researcher: Why do so many that they have a meaningless job

Read also: the Sectors where the discomfort ahead of the job is the greatest

also Read: the Year Jobbhälsoindex: increasing psychological discomfort with the job

also Read: Young women feel the worst of the job