proposing as the Federal Council of the bridging pension for older workers, there were concerns on the part of economists. The pension could have a negative impact. Because of the experience with an Expansion of benefits for the unemployed are not good. The the of the University of Lucerne in behalf of the state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco) created overview of the study “work incentives in the social security holds”. The Seco left for studies from Switzerland and the neighbouring countries, to evaluate. They suggest that better coverage leads to more and longer unemployment .

In the neighboring country of Austria has been extended the maximum duration of unemployment between 1988 and 1993, over 50-Year-old of one to four years. The terminations of more than 50-Year-old rose to 27 percent. The employers were apparently dismissed older workers will be easier if this were a better protection.

This might be an unspoken reason why the Swiss employers ‘ Association supported the proposal of the Federal Council. The example from Austria is not the only, that leads to the Seco-study in the field. In Finland, an Expansion of the performance of the unemployment insurance extended the duration of unemployment. In Germany, every additional month duration of extended search, the duration of the set.

in Switzerland there is experience with this effect. In the third Reform of the unemployment insurance of 2003, the financial support increased by almost six percent. According to a study by the St. Gallen Economics Professor Beatrix Eugster, led to a prolonged dependence on unemployment insurance. Positive influence on the wage or the measure had search.

More work and more pay

And also the reverse incentive effect. In the same Reform measures to cut the duration for the under-55-Year-old increased according to a study by the University of Lausanne, the reintegration of the Affected into the labour market by three percent. And this at an average of 200 francs a higher wage. The shorter duration reduced the Stigma of long-term unemployment – a Problem, the feel Concerned as being particularly difficult.

In Sweden has been reduced support for the unemployed in the nineties, from 80 to 75 percent of the last wage. The probability of employment increased for the Affected thereafter, by ten percent. In Norway, the Economists found that a reduction in benefits reduced by ten percent, unemployment of ten months in the case of men to a month in women up to two weeks.

The Federal social insurance office tried to dispel the concerns of the state Secretariat for economic a private study. The external Bass, the SP-close, created a theoretical investigation, but the Seco-study to the conclusion that the duration of the unemployment could rise.

The unemployment rate is the Generation of 55 – to 64-Year-olds are lower than for the population as a whole.

But controlled Since I have only a part of the entitlement to a bridging pension, and this was also lower than a potential reward, the effect is low. Only a third of the Scale, including significantly more men than women, is likely to meet the criteria for a bridging pension, and only for just under three percent it is more attractive than the previous work. Even the extensive designed as a bridging power in the Canton of Vaud have not led to the fact that older workers have given up their place.

hard As it is for the individual unemployed to find a job, the statistics speak a less excited language: The unemployment rate is the Generation of 55 – to 64-Year-olds are lower than for the population as a whole. But whom unemployment hits, the more of an effort to find a job. For this reason, a longer maximum duration of unemployment insurance by two instead of one and a half years today for over 55-Year-old. According to the Federal Council has contributed to the fact that the unemployment lasts longer. As people respond to the incentives offered to them by the social security.

The statistics also shows that the job search for older workers is hopeless. After a year of unemployment, half of 55 – to 64-Year-old again. The share of employed in the 55 – to 64-Year-olds has increased with 73 percent high in international comparison and in the past few years. But it is also true of The proportion of those in need in this Generation of social assistance, increased from 2011 to 2017, from 2.5 to 3.2 percent. This is only slightly below the social assistance rate for the total population, with 3.3 percent.

Created: 09.12.2019, 22:44 PM