minister for employment Ylva Johansson (S), along with several other ministers in an op-ed about stopping deaths on the job. But she sees no immediate health and safety risks with the lack of staff trained in occupational health.

“We need to go in the direction that fewer people are getting sick of their jobs, and then there is a well-functioning occupational health services a very important piece of the puzzle,” says Ylva Johansson (S).

the Government writing even in the supplementary budget, presented yesterday, that the research funds assigned to the arbetsmiljöforskning can be used for skills development in occupational health services.

The new Authority for arbetsmiljökunskap (Mynak) has existed since 1 June last year, and had as one of its first mandate from the government to identify the skill needs within occupational health services.

a great need of training for all professionals in occupational health and on the urgent need of training for the arbetsmiljöingenjörer and occupational physicians. The report was submitted to the government in the last week, with suggestions for action.

” Among other things, by holding together the network between the trainers. You can think of to change experience, working up the curriculum together. It can help to make the training stronger in the future, ” says Stig Vinberg, facilitator and researcher at Mid sweden university.

Företagshälsobranschen has previously warned of a serious shortage of personnel who will be acute within five years. That the position of occupational physicians and arbetsmiljöingenjörer is alarming is now supported by the new report.

– Arbetsmiljöingenjörer are experts in, inter alia, carry out risk assessments for kemrisker, noise measurements, and safety and security duties, ” says Peter Munck af Rosenschöld, president of the trade association, the Swedish Företagshälsor and continues:

occupational physicians is vital to be able to assess the physical, biochemical and psychosocial risks in the workplace and to assist people to regain their ability to work after ill-health.

Peter Munck af Rosenschöld, president of the trade association, the Swedish Företagshälsor. Photo: Juliana Wiklund

is today 66 years and there are trained, hardly any. The report concludes that the current situation is unsustainable, without any immediate solution in sight.

the Authority proposes an innovative, unbiased and independent investigation, which Ylva Johansson (S) look positively on:

” Anything we need to do differently than what we’ve done so far.

is critical to the conclusions that the authority draws on the situation of occupational physicians. Ceo Peter Munck af Rosenschöld, is worried that the agency does not realize the seriousness of the issue.

if you’re going To be really nice and gentle, so are they suggesting – that after they completed their investigation – to set up a committee to do a study. It is a non-action to a problem that been debated since 2007.

You have a number of rounds made similar bets on the skills supply in occupational health services. Peter Munck af Rosenschöld calls for concrete measures:

– Now the government must take responsibility and provide Mynak the mission to be the principal provider of the training. You must also give the Mynak instructed to develop a basis for future budget bill, the government on how much money they need to pursue this training.

– It is not easy to see someone just so quick, easy solution. There is money, but there are not applicants to the courses, and that makes it a little more difficult. But may we come back, ” says minister for employment Ylva Johansson (S).

But Peter Munck af Rosenschöld on Sweden’s Företagshälsor do not agree that the problem needs to be persistent:

– no one Tells that the educations are, do you market them, not so search the no. It is a good start to begin to promote this type of education.

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