”I can confirm that the police have been on the Swedbank and obtained additional documents,” says Swedbank’s lawyer, Hans Strandberg to Di.

Ekobrottsmyndighetens investigation into two offences: grossly fraudulent activity and unauthorised disclosure of inside information. According to His Strandberg has Wednesday’s search warrant not prompted by new suspicions of crimes.

”It is quite common that a prosecutor comes to the conclusion that there are additional documents that you want to see. In this large-scale investigations, it is as soon as a rule,” he says to Di.

around the documents that the serious fraud office wanted to have, but which the bank claims covered by the advokatsekretess. Including the so-called Grimstadrapporten, compiled by the Norwegian lawyer Erling Grimstad and sources of Di point to major shortcomings in Swedbank’s efforts to prevent money laundering.

At Wednesday’s raid, however, shall the authority have received all the documents requested, according to His Strandberg.

the Shares fell heavily after the raid – Swedbank suspected of fraudulent activity

Swedbankrazzian: ”EBM prevented to take part of the internal report”

the Crisis in Swedbank: This has happened to