What is the electricity grid operator Swissgrid, and the U.S. aircraft giant Boeing, with Novartis have in common? In the case of all three companies, generating an enormous amount of data. Therefore, experts for analysis of data by Novartis from advanced recently to Swissgrid and Boeing, to learn how the two groups cope with their mountains of data.

Novartis chief Vas Narasimhan wants to make the Basel-based pharmaceutical giant, a pioneer in digitization and data evaluation. Yesterday, his digital chief, Bertrand Bodson showed an example of how this can be done. The Belgians introduced with his Team, the System will Sense, with which the group monitored its every year, around 500 clinical trials in real time from a control room in Basel.

12 years, 2.5 billion

“at present, the development of a new active substance in the average cost of 2,5 billion dollars, and it lasts about 12 years,” says Bodson, “this is much too long.” The control system is not to save, therefore, only costs. Patients to come thanks to improved processes in the clinical studies also faster to new, more effective drugs, so the promise. Bodsons Team is ambitious: “one Of our goals is that we says with the System, around 10 to 15 percent Sense to gain efficiencies in our clinical trials,” this newspaper Badhri Srinivasan, is at Novartis as head of the global development Department for the clinical studies responsible.

Manage to do that, so Novartis could save thanks to the new monitoring system million. According to a survey by the industry Association Interpharma, the expenditure for clinical research, account for 36 percent of the development costs for new active ingredients. Based on the average cost of a new drug by 2.5 billion dollars this would be $ 900 million. An efficiency gain of 10 percent to 15 percent would mean roughly a theoretical saving of 90 to 135 million dollars.

On such specific Figures, does not want to engage in the Novartis Management. “The System is running since July, for the first statements about the gain of time or cost savings, it is still too early. We are, however, with the Start very satisfied,” says Srinivasan.

System makes forecasts

On six giant monitors, the group Manager can retrieve the state of each of the currently running around 500 clinical trials. On a screen, for example, the time is horizontally mapped plan of study. The System is not only the state, but also makes predictions. The program was fed with data of 3000 studies completed. The program is calculated on the basis of this experience, where in what study it in the future, a Problem could be. Example: A critical point is the Recruit test patients. Here, the System warns of impending problems in a study.

The reason: To Test a new drug, certain clinics were selected. The System knows based on previous studies, that it has given to these clinics for precisely to disease problems in patient recruitment, and suggests, therefore, Alarm. In this way, the study Director to react and the study to more countries and more study centres expand.

According to Novartis, Manager Srinivasan, Novartis is currently the only pharmaceutical company that has such a System. There are no plans to sell the program to competitors. Other pharmaceutical companies are already. So, the German Merck intends to start with the US data specialists Palantir a joint venture. It should one day sell to other pharmaceutical companies, Software for the analysis of cancer data.


Created: 10.12.2018, 18:52 PM