“Now is the stop for your big return”

“the Swedish Tax agency to change their routines • Tips for declaration”

“Never will so many to get back so much so early in the year.”

“But then there is the end of skatteåterbäringarna.”

“– this will be the last year for many, ” says Johan Schauman on the Tax.”

“According to the preliminary calculations, more than 5 million swedes to get back the 36 billion after the declaration. It is about as it has seen out the last few years.”

“– Actually it is quite unreasonable that we have not fixed the routines better than that so many should have the money back. In the same way, it is unreasonable that they should be out there with this money, ” says deklarationsexperten Johan Schauman.”

“New report”

“the Employers have so far reported salary and tax as a lump sum for the entire staff. But since the end of the year, it must be done on an individual basis every month.”

“– It means that you will be able to see their incomes, but also count on how it is to current during the fiscal year so that there will not be any surprise how the tax revenue will be, ” says Johan Schauman.”

“– if you Want to make a correction, if you do not want to lend their money to the state without interest, then you can fix it.”

“today, it is only 100 000 people requesting the adjustment. With the new system is expected to be considerably more.”

“In the long term, this will contribute to greater precision in the tax levy.”

” We will also launch a bostadstjänst where you should be able to do their accounting and the calculation of what the tax will be already in the same year that you sell the home.”

“the Tax office also want to the banks each month to provide monitoring data on, inter alia, payments of interest and dividends.”

“by far The most common issue to need regarding the payment of taxes.”

“Last year, we made the first payment in april. Then, it was only the people who declared electronically, without changes, and assumed that it had an electronic mailbox, and notified a utbetalningskonto to the Tax.”

“– In the years, we have cleared the among the terms and removed the requirement on the digital mailbox, and the requirement to notify account to receive the money in april.”

“It means that more than ever will be able to get their money before easter.”

“in the first place is the whole deklarationsprocessen faster. This year they will also declared on paper to get their money in June.”

“Ten news and advice before the declaration:”

“april 2: Last day to declare electronically to get an early tax refund.”

“april 12: the tax refund is paid out to those who declared electronically, without changes or additions.”

“may 2: Last day to declare with a paper form.”

“7 June: tax Refund to those who declared using a paper form.”