Mika Kojonkoski is a chinese process boss.Mika Kojonkoski lead to a chinese hard ski jumping process. AOP

Three and a half years, more than 30 chinese ski jumper olympic process requires a naturally significant euro amount.

– china’s state finance, but with them, it is agreed that the sum not to open, comment Mika Kojonkoski , china’s ski jumping’s top sports director and the project boss.

– however, If we now consider that this is about 40 year-round accommodation per person, it can begin to decline. Only accommodation is a month of almost 100 000 euros.

Coaches salaries is another major expense item.

With a dozen coaches, some of which are full-time and part part-time, Kojonkoski tell.

– If this time is to get a result, the budget side will not be able to make a lot of compromises.

anything silly or charity is not the case, but the chinese are waiting for the sharp wager in exchange for results.

That year’s performance goals are, Kojonkoski nod.

– Next summer, part of the team should be able to practice 90 meters hill and to participate in international junior championships.