today it is midsummer’s eve, a holiday that many people associate with the dance around the maypole and the celebration of close friends, but, unfortunately, the long lines before the feast, beyond the Wine and the stress of keeping up with them. Sweden should be more like the rest of the world, and, therefore, the liberalisation of the alcohol market.
Sweden’s Systembolaget is closed on midsummer’s eve and midsummer’s day, which means that consumers need to plan for the purchase of alcohol before the end of June. It may not be, as in many other countries, to buy alcohol at the grocery store, and during the feasts of the lord, but are being forced to adapt to the regulations, the government has set out to do. People who are to be treated as adults, and the Wine should be open, even during midsummer’s eve and midsummer’s day. It should not be up to the government to determine where citizens are able to buy the beer, the schnapps, or a lådvin. of Sweden, is unique in a restrictive way
In all of the EU countries will be able to buy alcohol at the grocery store, in addition to Sweden. Sweden is the only country in the union that does not allow sales. Sweden is unique in the world because we have such a restrictive alcohol policy. Despite the fact that we don’t have a lower level of alcohol than many other countries.
The restrictive alcohol policies seem to contribute to lower the consumption of alcohol, nevertheless, insist the government is using to maintain it.
in Finland, has been in the past, like Sweden, is not allowed for alcohol to be sold in grocery stores, but has only recently started to allow drinks with a higher alcohol content, are sold there. In Finland and other countries have begun to phase out the monopoly, there are no clear signs that alcohol consumption has increased, despite the fact that availability has increased. In Sweden, the number of alcohol-related harm has not increased as we have increased the freedom of the people to buy alcohol.
the Key frihetsreformer
in Sweden, should walk in the same footsteps as the rest of the EU and to allow the sales, and the beer, wine and cider allowed to be sold in grocery stores. To allow for the farm and for the sale of alcoholic beverages in, for example, Ica and Coop are the major frihetsreformer that would make life easier for many people.
The main argument against the break-up and allow’s more is that it could lead to increased substance abuse and alcohol consumption. According to the report, ”of Sin, and the income tax – an ESO-report on policies in the areas of alcohol, tobacco, and gambling” of the state’s analysorgan, the Swedish Expert group on Public economics (ESO), this is not the case. The experience of deregulation in the united states and Canada, but this has not been more of a problem. Moreover, the author of the report, that It is their own propagandasiffror that consumption would increase by 40 per cent by the deregulation of the market does not have the support of this research.
the Control is not its purpose,
Sweden has been the EUROPEAN union’s most restrictive alcohol policies, but it is not a country in the EUROPEAN union, where it is consumed the least alcohol. Our restrictive alcohol policies seem to contribute to lower the consumption of alcohol, nevertheless, insist the government is using to maintain it.
It is high time we begin to see the adults, just adults, and to remove unnecessary regulation of the alcohol market. It should be possible for eve to be able to buy alcohol at the Systembolaget, the local grocery store, or next door in the country.
the President of the Moderate youth league.
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