telework, which exploded with the pandemic of the coronavirus has taken on the flavour of miracle solution, however, is not without risk if it is consumed without moderation, warn the specialists. One thing is for sure, for him, there will be a before and after Covid-19. Since mid-march, some five million workers have tested with the forced (many for the first time), the rocking “in two seconds a synonym of laziness to the status of miracle solution. But it is in reality much more complex than these two extremes”, explains to the AFP, Marianne The Winner, a phd student in sociology at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS).
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Its advantages are recognized: freedom of organization, decreasing the fatigue linked to the transport, quiet far from the open-space and “real breathing for those who suffer from reports degraded with their superiors or their colleagues”, argues Valerie Combette-Javault, work psychologist. “Some, who are accustomed to the status provided by their larger offices on higher floors, have not lived to end up as everyone in the world, jogging in the kitchen”, has fun, and an official of the european Commission, which sees him in the telework generalized evolution “egalitarian or democratic”.
But the practice “is not without risk,” warns Valerie Combette-Javault. Working at home can also rhyme with overload of work, the blurring of boundaries of private life/professional life, family conflict, distancing vis-à-vis the collective, loneliness… And can lead to sleep difficulties, high blood pressure, eating problems, addiction… “At the beginning, I was very enthusiastic, as were most of the people who come to discover telework at the time of the epidemic,” says Elise, who for the past five years, alternates work at home and travel abroad. “We win a lot in concentration, efficiency, priority is given to much more easily… and you can throw a machine on the time of the lunch ! But after a while I realized that I could no longer cut it in the evening, to tell me it is finished,” admits the mother of 3 children.
telework, vector inequalities ?
in Addition to the inability to let go, the quarantenaire admit that when the periods of work in the home stretch, it becomes “a bit paranoid”, he starts to doubt his skills, expectations of hierarchy, and feel the same sometimes a loss of motivation… all accompanied by a good dose of guilt. WhatsApp, the “conf-call”, “meetings Teams”, this is good, but it does not replace the informal discussions around the coffee machine or lunch informal, between colleagues, ” she says. “Telework reconfigure completely the form and the context of the work. It is far from being trivial, and it is difficult to measure the consequences today”, is concerned about Marianne The Winner.
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To limit the psycho-social risks, “it must be voluntary and a reasonable period of time , 2/3 days per week at most,” warns Karine Badule, chargée de mission at the national Agency for the improvement of working conditions (Anact). It must also be anticipated and regulated, the managers were trained, and more young people, or people newly arrived out of the device. Two situations can quickly switch in the red zone: the telework without the confidence of his superiors and having to juggle work and parenthood, warns Valerie Combette-Javault.
Stay at home for his work can also widen inequality in heterosexual couples. The women taking always the brunt of domestic tasks, their breaks will often summarize to start a machine or move on for dinner, amplifying the superimposition of the professional and personal activities. They also seem to suffer more from the isolation from the collective, alert Karine Badule. If telework responds to the globalized trends that are designed to increase the flexibility in the professional field and a reduction in costs of premises, it does not apply to everyone, ” notes Marianne The Winner: even if some locks have broken with the pandemic, it relates primarily to the managers and people higher intellectual. “Companies must not become places where only the blue-collar horizon and others who come when they want,” notes Elise.
The editorial team conseilleCoronavirus and sincere salutations to the era of gestures barrièresComment prepare the return of employees to the bureauConfinement: the day when our children have become our collègues5 commentaireshulk56le 31/05/2020 16:51
this is cool teleworking it is much more productive and it is environmentally friendly
Horsepowerle 31/05/2020 14:20
I deeply hated the office work, the journeys never-ending, stuff the vacation uninteresting as each other, making personal phone calls, those who arrive too early or too late, the productivity seedy to some. It is a concept totally has been.
l'oeil13le 31/05/2020 at 11:53 am
I am one of those who , frameworks , in the professional life, were fed up of seeing people lose a lot of time around the cafeteria, toilet or bathroom “relaxing”. a
outside of the banter , rather female, were added the manipulations, trade unions and the dredge. a
telework will be able to value those who work in productive way.
We are going progressively towards a pay-to-task., a ubérisation of the office.
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