the Teachers are the school’s most important resource. Skilled teachers with a clear leadership is the key to high learning outcomes, as and study environment in every classroom. Therefore, the need to the teachers are given the time and conditions to prepare, implement and evaluate their teaching. Documentation requirements that do not support the teachers in their core assignment is a waste of teachers ‘ time and school resources.

In recent years, the government has taken several measures to protect teachers ‘ time. We have seen over the requirements on documentation, cut down the number of mandatory national examinations and hired more staff in the school. But the amount of administration that teachers engage in is still too high.

. It is not reasonable that principals require teachers to write more individual development than what is written in the law. The obsession with arrays need to be broken, which is one of the reasons that the government gave the Swedish national agency for Education commissioned to review the curricula skill requirements, so that they become clearer for both teachers and students. The government will also review the rules around and the application of the teachers ‘ ability to use the disciplinary measures in the school, which can reduce the documentation requirements.

Unfortunately, a riksdagsmajoritet flagged that it intends to increase the teachers ‘ administration further by forcing them to submit written ordningsomdömen.

We also see that a part of the documentation of the teachers in the day to do so instead would be handled by other staff, which is also the government’s special investigator has lifted. Teaching assistants has been proven to relieve the teachers and has been requested by the teachers ‘ unions. The government proposes in the vårändringsbudgeten to 475 million is spent on teaching assistants in 2019. Assistants can perform duties that frånvarorapportera, copy, keep track on paper and book visits, which makes that teachers in the higher extent can the focus on student learning.

In practice, this means that teachers will need to write testimonials about each and every student, even those students who do just fine. It would take much of the teachers ‘ already scarce time, which is completely the wrong way to go.

more and more looks at the school as a service on the market. It is harmful for the whole society. The school must once again become a samhällsbärande bildningsinstitution where there is respect and trust between pupils, teachers and parents.

In the longer term, the more the parliamentary parties also have the courage to discuss the fundamental reasons for the dokumentationskultur. One important reason is the decentralized and deregulated educational system that places high demands on supervision and control, and in which parents have begun to behave as customers.

That six out of ten teachers in the Swedish report states that they document more than they would otherwise have done because of the risk to be challenged by parents, illustrates that more and more looks at the school as a service on the market. It is harmful for the whole society. The school must once again become a samhällsbärande bildningsinstitution where there is respect and trust between pupils, teachers and parents. Where teachers and principals are given the time for the school’s core assignment – knowledge and formation.