Patrik Laine statistics for the last month and a half period are stark. IL-TV video: Patrik Laine comment no period to 11.1.
Winnipeg Jets striker Patrik Laine played mid-December until the paint rich period, but then the pace stopped as if by magic.
18 matches, 2 goals.
balance I don’t believe belongs in the NHL-the league’s best scorer in the outdoor include the old man.
however, the Situation is the fact that the statistics say quite aptly, in what kind of täysjumissa Patrik Laine the game currently is.
Tuesday and Wednesday night between played match Jets coach Paul Maurice take the hard-line Finnish with.
eur10. 55 minutes playing time was Laine’s NHL career rock bottom.
Statistics I hope
Laine penkitys is to see many different specialists in the eyes of the justified and legitimate as a means of trying to arouse the striker working to get playing time for his.
star players hard treatment always causes confusion, but The Hockey News magazine Jared Clinton recalls in his column, that it is not in any way a new situation, Laine.
This glimmer of Winnipegille and Laineelle these dark days in the middle: this is not the first nor the last time, when he had penkitetyn. And always his performances have improved workload decreased, Clinton writes.
Winnipegiläistoimittaja hit counter statistics, proving that Laine has indeed awakened while receiving coaching mate a little kick in the ass.
February 2. day 2017 Laine played less than 13 minutes. In the following ten match network swung nine times and points to the birth a total of 15.
the Same year in November, Maurice left Laine again less than 13 minutes of game time. The next ten during the match Laine saldotti power 4+6=10.
in February Last year Laine gasification hotel against the Panthers 1+1, but got to play only 12,50 minutes. Once again, Maurice’s game for work, because Laine machine is accelerating to its maximum potential.
Followed by a ten match series power 10+4.
so Now I should start to Laine’s visitation time. The match program is the least affordable, as the Jets play nine of the next match, five home garage.
Patrik Laine has done this season with 25 goals. Matches is behind the 50.