“Pensioners and the unemployed are falling behind,”

“Swedish households get more and more money in their pockets.nMen pensioners and the unemployed are falling behind.n– the Pensioners had to be rescued by increased contributions and lower taxes, says Arturo Arques at Swedbank.”

“The last 14 years, Swedish households had more money in their pockets, notes Swedbank in a survey. But it is above all wage-earners who benefited from economic development.”

“Without the lowered income tax and raised the housing allowance, many pensioners do not have it better today than in 2003, shows the survey.”

“”the Unemployed have it tough””

“– All has actually gotten better since 2003, but all has not been there as much better. In particular, it is the employees who have benefited from a good realinkomstutveckling, that is to say that wages have risen faster than inflation, but also lower taxes. The pensioners had to be rescued by increased contributions and lower taxes, while the unemployed have had it tough during this period, ” says Arturo Arques, privatekonom at Swedbank.”

“Wages develop in line with the economy at large. When growth is good increases the real wages and thus improve the wage economy.”

“We have had a good economic growth in Sweden, and it is clear that it is easier for the social partners to negotiate a positive growth in real wages when the conditions are good,” says Argues.”

“the 18 000 sek more for a tonårsfamilj”

“For a single person households have the real after-tax income increased by 6 sek 650 per month. A family with teenaged children has 18 750 dollars more to move with each month of the year compared with 2003.”

“income-based pensions has increased marginally during the same period, while many school unchanged”

“in 2016, raised the roof in a cashier which means that an unemployed person has been a rise in income with 980 sek after tax per month since 2003.”

“The last year has ensamhushållet got some bucks more in the wallet and tonårsfamiljen less than 400 dollars more per month. For inkomstpensionären it becomes virtually plus minus zero, while for garantipensionären and the unemployed person gets a lower income this year because of the increase of the many school between 2016 and 2017 is eaten up by inflation.”

“Even those who are unemployed have a lower income because the ceiling of a cashier do not count up automatically.”

“– Looking short-term, from 2016 to 2017, so we see that the unemployed and garantipensionären get it tough because incomes are not increasing at the same rate as the costs, ” says Argues.”

“► the bank has studied the economic development of the different typhushåll since 2003, when the old pension scheme was phased out completely.n► the Survey shows that most of the households have got it significantly better. A tonårsfamilj consisting of two adults and two children has today 18 750 dollars more per month to move around with compared with 2003, and a single-person households have 6 650 dollars more per month to move now compared to 2003.n► But not all have received it much better. The unemployed are, for example, scored 980 dollars more a month and garantipensionären has scored 2 060 dollars more a month.nKälla: Swedbank”