Retired, so former officials, on average, have significantly higher retirement income as a pensioner. Both groups are included in the statistics together, it is the pensioners financially seem to be better. Now, it was investigated how old-age poverty looks like alone in the case of pensioners. the Henrike Roßbach, Berlin

When the Germans are asked about their Concerns, their lands, the pension is usually pretty far forward. In the current policy barometer to place two, between Migration and education. The security in old age is the people. How big is the Problem of poverty in old age is, there are different views – and Numbers.

The pension insurance, for example, has can calculate that the proportion of retirees in the basic protection, which is currently three per cent, will also rise by 2030 is just over four to just under six percent. Others emphasize the very much higher risk-of-poverty rates that are charged. The pension policy spokesman of the left parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Matthias Birkwald, now has promoted, together with the statistics Professor Gerd Bosbach from the University of Koblenz new Figures from the Depths of the Federal Statistical office revealed.

pension households are hardly affected

Specifically, it deals with the statistics for the risk-of-Poverty on the basis of the microcensus, a regular survey of around 400 000 households. As the at risk of poverty is anyone who earns less than 60 percent of the median income. This is the income exactly in the middle of all income. Overall, the risk-of-poverty rate in this country is at 15.8 percent; above average Lone parents are at risk, families with many children and the unemployed. The group “pensioners” in 2017, with 16 per cent, almost exactly in the average. But: pure pensioner households not previously disclosed – and that annoyed Bosbach and Birkwald. For pensioners, so former officials, on average, have significantly higher retirement income than pensioners and the press so the risk-of-poverty rate of the group.

So requested Birkwald, a separate analysis of the data only for pensioners. He’s got you by the country Information and technology of North Rhine-operating Westphalia, an IT service provider of the Statistical office and the Figures speak a clear language. So said 16 percent of all persons were in the year 2017 for pensioners and Pensioner households at risk of poverty. From the newly designated pure pensioner house, there were 19.5 per cent more to hold against it – almost one out of every five. One out of 100 persons from a pensioner’s house, with 0.9 percent non-stop are vulnerable to poverty.

“Who wants to prevent future poverty in old age or in combat, no longer coming to the new Numbers,” says Birkwald. Almost every fifth person living in a pensioner household, was poor and had to live of less than 999 Euro, affected couples of less than 1499 Euro. On the differences between civil servants pensions and public pensions, in turn, there is only one correct answer: “The introduction of a real acquisition to Deposit active insurance in accordance with the Austrian model, in which civil servants, self-employed, Freelancers and freelancers and, of course, politicians.”

the Federal Minister for social Affairs, Hubertus Heil (SPD) plans, however, currently only a basic pension for all those who have contributed 35 or more years in the statutory pension insurance. Who, despite this long period of insurance, only on a significantly below-average pension, which collected pension points are to be upgraded; up to a doubling. In certain cases, this may mean a multiple of 100 Euro higher pension. Whether part-time or full-time should play no role, also need not want healing check so see if there is a spouse whose age income would be enough for both of them. The Union rejects this and refers to the coalition agreement. Only a basic pension of ten percent above the basic level of protection is agreed with the means test. Healing puts the cost of his proposal at about five billion euros in the year.

Birkwald go salvation the basic pension plans does not go far enough, they were “only a first step”. Necessary a “solidarity-based minimum pension was ultimately” so that no one in the age of less than 1050 euros had a net of life; associated, however, with an income and assets test.

The Munich-based Ifo-Institute has looked at, meanwhile, salvation plans in more detail. And not only the effects of the basic pension, but also that of the so far less amount for pension income discussed freely in the base backup, the healing for the needy pensioners plans. It not only collected a pension is to be revalued points. Who has in spite of this appreciation continue to be entitled to basic security benefits in old age (currently, the average living and Heating costs for 912 Euro) will, in the future may also retain up to 106 Euro of his pension; they will then be charged fully with the help of social assistance.

The result, not to the Economists: it is the needy among the pensioners with a basic pension benefit of the basic pension, in many cases, they provide basic protection plus the new Free allowance will be significantly better than the basic pension. You will not therefore spared the trip to the social security office, if you want to exhaust your claim. The basic pension at the bar is hardly a contribution to the fight against poverty in old age, according to the study. “Rather, it represents Essentially an increase in pension benefits for people who have a low pension, but just not needy.”

the so-called crash of the edges, lead to distortions Add to this: Who falls back due to higher pension claims, almost from the basic protection to the basic pension, will lose, at a stroke, the Allowance – and pension entitlements, thus, less money than someone with a lower pension, but Basic security. Or to put it differently: In these border areas, it may be worthwhile to gather better, no additional pension in their own points.