An age-appropriate and affordable housing – that could soon be for millions of pensioners to the Problem: economic researchers, social experts and the construction industry agree. Because the baby-boomers soon to retire. “A whole Generation with significantly lower pensions to rising living costs,” said Matthias Günther of Pestel-Institute in Hannover. “Germany controls seeing eye on the “Grey housing” to”.

“Only five percent of all Elderly living in age-friendly housing,” said Verena Bentele, President of the social Association VdK, the German press Agency. Today, for instance, many retired hard to pay rising Rents. “Already one-half of the 592 000 housing allowance claimants older than 65.”

The number of seniors will increase from today almost 18 million by the year 2040 to about 24 million and this will have to live with significantly less pension, such as the Pestel-Institute in its on Monday’s published study, calculates that. The proportion of seniors, the complementary basic security need for subsistence, is likely to increase from today’s 3 percent to about 25 percent. In short: Every fourth pensioner, old-age poverty threatens.

A Senior now lives, on average, to 59 square meters, an average citizen on an area of 46 square meters. It is in the cities closely: one in nine inhabitants there live in an overcrowded apartment, according to the Federal Statistical office on Monday. Overcrowded means, for example, that three children share a room or parents use the living room as a bedroom.

more Difficult to move into a smaller apartment

Many seniors are still in the familiar apartment, even if the children are moved out and the Partner has died. In particular, in Large and University cities, but they were there, the “groan under the greatest rent increases,” said Ulrich Ropertz of the German tenants ‘ Association. A simple solution seems to be moving into a smaller apartment.

Only, where to move? Often “fails the to the rental cost. In General, you can’t find a smaller apartment for a lower rent,“ said Günther. “And who can no longer afford his current apartment, you will not just be in the expensive cities are often forced to change only the apartment, but the apartment is also the place of residence.”

With individual projects and help municipal, private and co-operative Housing bodies, pensioners tried to make a move in the place is tasty – in Elbgemeinden, in Berlin, in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is important that the smaller apartment is actually cheaper, said Ropertz. But “the Echo is very slow”. Because old people “are often at the apartment in which they have lived for decades in the environment, where they are anchored”.

another solution to see the economy, researchers from the Pestel-Institute in residential communities, to share the cost. For Ropertz a way: “But many shy away from strange people in the apartment.

Not only the rent, but also an age-appropriate reconstruction of the apartment will be for a growing number of pensioners is hardly affordable. Pay to the landlord, he may apportion the costs as a modernization on the rent. There is a lift in the house can be expensive.

Living without barriers

average of 16 000 euros is the cost of an apartment accesible to rebuild the Pestel study. If the seniors live at less risk of accident and no longer live at home can live, make the but rapidly also, the company paid: A place in a nursing home cost per year 8500 euros more than outpatient care.

nationwide, would have to be, by 2030, three million dwellings in addition to age-appropriate new or rebuilt, said Günther. The cost of 50 billion Euro. With state subsidies of 6 billion euros, the brace would.

Vdk, tenant Covenant and construction industry encounter here the same Horn. “More public funding for age-friendly housing is no alternative,” said Ropertz. “This is also a task for the whole society.” But the policy was hesitant.

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The Federal Association of German building materials trade, which gave the study and presented with Günther at the BAU trade fair in Munich, is hoping for orders. VdK-President Bentele asks the Federal government to increase the funding for social housing drastically and “to connect requirements with a view to renovation and building of barrier-free and affordable housing”. dpa