The international wrestling federation, has selected Petra Olli in 2018 to be the best woman wrestler in the world.Petra Olli won the October world championship in the 65-pound class.

Olli wins in October, the first Finnish woman wrestler in the world championship, when canada’s Danielle Lappagen fell below 65-kg category in the WORLD finals at a whopping 6-5.

MM-gold in addition to the 24-year-old Olli victory last spring, the EM-gold in the same weight class. At the time of the final match in the crashed Azerbaijani Elis Manolova 3-1.

the News of choice to confirm evening newspaper Petra Olli’s manager Harri Halme . Olli got the stunning confession from a prize of 10 000 Swiss francs, or about 8 900 eur.

Olli was chosen earlier in December, the Tennessee athlete of the Year.

the first Yle. Yle news can be read here.

Petra Olli is selected Yle, according to the world’s best women wrestlers. Pekka Sipola / AOP