In 2022 the football world cup final arena illustration has been released – and it’s quite a structure.Computer made illustration of lusail’s world cup final arena was announced this weekend. EPA / AOP

the football championship of the world fought next time in Qatar. The world cup finals is tonight 18. December day four years, as Fifa confirmed last summer that the world cup is played historically in the winter, from 21. November. Decision background are in the Middle east state in the summer weather, where the heat will reach the peak in terms of sports completely inhuman.

a Small but immensely rich oil states intends to hold quite a spectacle, which also tells about the finals of the arena unveiling. Only the grounds, the Lusail city to be built Lusail Iconic stadium will draw more than 86 000 spectators.

that’s Not all: only Lusail stadium project cost estimate is currently scandalous € 40 billion! The sum is almost four times higher, for example, the Estonian state budget for next year.

the Arena is scheduled to be completed in 2020. The illustration is shown in the incredibly sized moat, surrounded by colossus, which even has korskeasti plated. In the same field played other important games, like cup opening match.

the world cup final is played only in the construction of Lusail city. EPA / AOP

after the world Cup lusail’s left of the stadium is scheduled to remove the football use. According to the BBC, it all the seats will be removed and the stadium resounding under one roof is planned to be built, inter alia, shops and school facilities.

qatar’s world cup project has been in the public eye the big stir of shadowed. It all started already in the race of grant, which was a big topic of Fifa’s recent corruption scandal. Qatar’s representatives is the suspect bought a in particular deprived most of the Fifa countries represented on the side of the host vote.

Also in the race of construction is awakened by a big care workers ‘ working conditions and safety. Already in 2015, the Washington Post published the data, according to which as many as 1 200 construction workers had already been killed. The number is karuimmissa vision in been estimated to rise up to 4 000 before the games opening kick.

in Qatar working conditions are burdened with such unsafe building conditions than blazing in every square. Another fundamental workers ‘ rights. Up to 94% of qatar’s workforce consists of foreign workers, which will come primarily from India and surrounding countries, especially Nepal. The country has used even to slavery been equated with kafala system where workers are completely work visa I got a local ”sponsor” at the mercy of. Week are up to 72-hour.

Source: Business Insider.

the final arena of unveiled the world cup arrangements in Qatar leader, Hassan Al Thawadi. EPA / AOP