The Deutsche Post is allowed to increase their prices significantly. Already starting in the summer, Porto will go up. From the industry circles, it is said, a standard letter could in the future cost up to 90 cents. The Post office and the Federal network Agency had long fought the increase. the Benedikt Müller, Düsseldorf Benedikt Müller

Benedikt Müller reported Westphalia for the economy editorial office of North Rhine-Westphalia. Grew up in the beautiful Rheingau. Visited the Cologne journalist school for politics and Economics and studied Economics in Cologne. Writes since the autumn of 2015 for the SZ, first of all about real estate topics. Since the summer of 2017, he reported mainly about how the big companies change in the Rhine and Ruhr. Other passions: piano, Church organ, and the SC Freiburg.


letters will follow to write in the summer, significantly more expensive. Deutsche Post may increase your postage to be 10.63%. Notified by the Federal network Agency on Thursday. Finally, the prices were increased at the beginning of 2016, a standard letter costs since then, 70 cents. According to industry sources, a standard letter could cost from July to up to 90 cents, if the Post should not increase the price of other products, such as the postcard or large letters.

The Post office is not allowed to set your postage easy. This includes the former state-owned company dominates the market, it still accounts for more than 80 percent of the letters in this country. Instead, the network prescribes Agency, how much the more expensive to mail products – for example, the postcard or the so-called Maxi letter – must be in the cut. The authority shall take into account General Inflation, but also the costs and quantities of the Deutsche Post as well as profit margins of other postal companies in Europe. Subsequently, the Bonn-based group may apply for the exact postage for each product.

at this Time, Mail and web Agency have discussed the unusually long, such as tax letters may now be. Actually, the group wanted to increase the postage already at the beginning of the year. But two events in the process:

moved In last summer, the Post has announced that it will reduce the cost of their mail and parcel division, and many of the post wants to dismiss civil servants in early retirement. Because of these “current breaks” needed, the network Agency more time to calculate the costs in the mail business. The beginning of this year, the authority decided that the group is likely to increase the postage to 4.8 percent. But the Post was too little. They threatened the public with further austerity programmes. A month ago, the Federal government has changed the rules for postage increases. Since then, the network no longer takes into account Agency, how much the profit of the state postal companies earn in Europe; these are not trimmed so much in return. For example, the Romanian Poșta Română is dropped from the comparison. It requires only the equivalent of 30 cents per standard letter. Instead, countries such as Denmark price fall high-now more weight. There’s a letter cost 3,60 Euro.

From the point of view of the German Post need to increase the postage, because the clients send out from year to year, slightly fewer letters, the group must pay for its distribution centers, vehicles, and deliverer. “We had, for example, in October, a wage increase of three percent,” said chief financial officer Melanie circle recently in the SZ-Interview. “If you want we pay our people well, then you have to us a certain room for Price increases.” An average household of only 2.34 Euro in the month for letters.

competitors to the Post to criticize, however, the recent engagement of the policy. It was outlandish, “that the government allows a trading group profits, mainly by households and small and medium-sized enterprises will be taken”, scolded the German Association of parcel and Express logistics (BIEK) in a recent letter to Federal Minister Peter Altmaier. The Federal government had not changed “rushed” the basis of decision by the Authorities, “because the expected result is pleasing to the companies concerned”. The state maintains, through the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), 21 percent of Deutsche Post shares.

The Bonn group has recently discharged from 12.7 billion letters each year in Germany. The were a billion less than in 2014 and two billion less than in 2011. Nevertheless, the Figures clearly show that a postage increase of a few cents, makes the annual revenue of the Post office hundreds of millions of euros to rise. On the stock exchange the decision of the network Agency was good: The Post shares turned significantly to the Plus and was on Thursday morning, the biggest winner in the Dax.