“A brottsanklagad Russian oligarch were going to, in turn, billion, year after year, by the Swedish major banks have.”
“It was Viktor Janukovytjs hard-line, pro-Russian and corrupt government like ukrainians took to the streets on independence square in Kiev, the capital 2013-2014. “
“the Blood flowed when regime forces shot and killed over a hundred protesters. Several police officers were also killed. Yanukovych fled to Russia, and then invaded the Crimea.”
“After the president’s escape showed how incredibly much he had enriched themselves. Janukovytjs abandoned palace contained a private zoo, golf course (with monogrammerade guldklubbor), a collection of vintage cars, private cinema, gold and again gold, the most exclusive vintage wines, crystal chandeliers and much more.”
“According to the prosecutors lost the Case, and the circle around him, about 200 billion dollars from the Ukrainian people.”
“– instead of that go to education, medicine and better roads went the money to build the palace where a carpet cost as much as a hospital, ” says the Ukrainian korruptionsexperten Daria Kalenjuk in Wednesday’s Mission review.”
“When money in large scale to be washed they often go to luxury consumption, and integrating complex transactions through the international banking system.”
“When the tv programme the examination of suspected money laundering in Swedbank in the Baltic countries continues to be given an insight into the Ukrainian korruptionsutredningen against the country’s expresident. There are, inter alia, an alleged bribe to mr Yanukovych at the equivalent of 34 million in 2011. Mission review can show that the money to the president goes through an account at Swedbank in Lithuania, which belongs to a mysterious company by the name of Vega Holdings Limited. It also appears that the Ukraine two years ago, asked the bank if the information about the account.”
“Penningtvättslagen says that banks should have good knowledge of their customers. If they are rulers, or are rulers near, particular care needs to be taken.”
“another Swedbankkund with ties to power is the oligarch Iskander Machmudov, as well as other Russian mångmiljardärer is president Vladimir Putin near. It is a company with ties to the Machmudov, which constitute a large part of the 50 companies that, through a series of accounts suspected wash about 40 billion between Swedbank and Danske Bank, and that the Mission of the review highlighted last week when the scandal surrounding the Swedish bank briserade. Companies are part of the family of companies of the Russian koljätten Carbo One, which among other things sells course the coal to a thermal plant in Stockholm.”
“Machmudovbolagens transactions is allowed to continue, at least each of the years 2007-2015. The question is why, and which control is made. For this can be found easily defined letterbox companies in tax havens and in the Uk, who have a goalie that hides the absolute owner, and the company is officially dormant. A Spanish police investigation believe also have evidence that Machmudov engaged in business through corruption and violence. The allegations are famous since a long time.”
“– We are continually on and monitorerar everything that goes through the bank according to the risk parameters that we work with, ” said Swedbank’s ceo Birgitte Bonnesen to the SVT in the last week.”
“– That we have full control, you can be sure.”
“Bonnesen has previously argued that Swedbank has local customers in the Baltic countries, with a low risk of money laundering.”
“Swedbank does not respond to questions about the Case, and Machmudov with reference to the banking secrecy that applies if individual customers. Head of communications, Gabriel Francke Rodau repeats in the Mission review that the bank is looking risk indicators, and add the jigsaw puzzle:”
“– In some cases we could have acted earlier on the first pieces of the puzzle. But it is easy to tell when you have put the whole puzzle.”
“Machmudov has not responded to the questions.”
“Russia does not leave out Yanukovych, who denies corruption and has said that he was overthrown by the våldsuppviglande demonstrators.”
“Mission review highlighted the approximately 40 billion in suspected money laundering between banks, with 50 customers involved.”
“at Least nine companies can also be linked to the well-known Magnitskyhärvan, then about 2 billion from american businessman Bill Browders fund Hermitage Capital were suspected of having defrauded rather than go to the Russian tax authorities.”
“Swedbank claims to act against the suspected money laundering and lets now investigate the Mission of the supervisory data, prior to the agm on 28 march.”
“The Swedish and Estonian supervisory authorities, as well as the Estonian prosecutor is also investigating the bank.”
“President 2010-14, prior to that, the prime minister of the rounds and the governor of the prefecture of Donetsk.”
“During his time as president grew the tensions stronger in the country. In december 2013 launched the massive street protests, especially on the independence square (Maidan) in the capital, Kiev, as clashes between opposition and government forces.”
“the Protests were triggered by Yanukovych ended the negotiations with the EU on a free trade agreement and instead chose to deepen the cooperation with Russia. But the demonstrations were also directed against the severe corruption in Ukraine, Yanukovych.”
“more than 100 protesters shot dead, and several police officers have been killed, resigned the Case, and fled to their ally Russia.”
“He was convicted in January of 2019 in absentia for treason, and has been accused of embezzlement of around 200 billion crowns, along with the family and the circle around him. Yanukovych denies the accusations.”
“Sources: NE, Reuters, etc.”
“money Laundering means that illegal income (black money) washed white through the various transactions and thereafter can be recognized and used openly.”
“It can, for example, money from drug trafficking, bribery, tax evasion, looting of the countries’ assets or incomes from other forms of organised crime, that can be washed.”
“Rapid electronic transfers of money between different countries favoring money laundering. Luxury consumption is also common.”
“Among other things, banks should riskbedöma customers and report suspected money laundering. Banks should achieve ”customer due diligence” – to know who is the client’s true principal and what activities the customer is engaged to assess the reasonableness of the cost.”
“Customers are ”politically exposed persons”, that is to say, that is the power close to, shall be examined in particular.”
“There are several warning signs. A common such is the customers in the ”högrisktredjeland”, such as some tax havens.”
“Sources: NE, the Swedish financial supervisory authority.”