Price watchdog Stefan Meierhans calls on the SBB and other railway companies to reduce the prices of the Tickets accordingly. The Federal Council had announced on Wednesday that the train operators have to pay from the beginning of 2021 for the use of the rail infrastructure annually to 90 million francs a year. The tariff reduction will be an equal split in terms of freight, long-Distance and regional transport.

According to Meier, Hans to the train companies give the savings to the customers in the passenger transport. “If costs go down, should ultimately a decrease in prices, the pay, the end user, because the production of services is cheaper,” said Meier, Hans in the SRF programme “this Morning” on Thursday.

public transport-industry-wants to fall in February, on the proposal

advice according to His assessment, the ticket prices by two percent or more. About a possible price reduction in the public transport industry decides. You want to discuss, according to the report in February about it.

in Front of the Federal Palace media, transport Minister Simonetta Sommaruga warned on Wednesday against too high expectations. You can’t expect that the track price reduction had an impact directly on the ticket prices, she said. You will discuss the question with the transport company. In the case of the SBB, you want to bring up the subject in the context of the strategic objectives on the Table.


Created: 14.11.2019, 08:23 PM