Mr Kollatz, in the first rounds of negotiations have you submitted an offer, in the third and decisive round, you want to lace up next Thursday a package. What has to be in there?

A linear income component and a structural component that we will pay certain professional groups want and therefore corresponding Changes in the charge order aspire.

What kinds of jobs are these?
there is talk. But Social and educational services in the areas of nursing and IT as well as emergency services come to work for us. Target a higher attractiveness of the so-called shortage occupations.

What is the cost?
The linear demand of the trade Union makes up six percent, with the sum in addition to claims to an additional four percent. This is for a term of twelve months, for the countries not represented.

Why not? The countries have reached in the past year, a budget surplus of eleven billion euros, which would be sufficient for ten percent of the locker.
With the argument, they do not look into the future. We have reduction to Fund four tasks: salary increases for Employees and pensioners, additional settings in many areas, more investments and debt. 2020 applies a brake on the debt, and the countries as a whole are in debt to the tune of 570 billion euros, Berlin with 58 billion euros.

The financial resources of the countries is very different. As closed, the TdL is in this labor dispute?
There is a strong commitment to the area of collective bargaining, because this does not contribute to the countries competition in the labour market. Also Hesse has to appreciate the learned and is now returning to the collective community of the country. With the area of collective bargaining, all the better.

More about

collective bargaining in the public service, The unions, break the cross

Alfons Frese

Berlin since 2013, after the country had been excluded because of the Transfer of the Western tariff to East Berlin in 1994. When is paid in Berlin as well as in other countries?
In the case of the employees, we have arrived at the General level, by the officials of the 2021 will be the case. Until then, we are taking it each year, 1.1 percent on the grade. This is in addition to the increases in a result of the now achieved Collective wage agreement, which is transmitted in the rule.