the non-straffmyndiga children, and especially boys, can be exploited as couriers by a criminal. Most recently, on 14 may, wrote in the Expressen/Kvällsposten, of how a 19-year-old man, was taken up by older people, criminals, even as a 10-year-old. Information about children, particularly from disadvantaged areas, have been used as a springpojkar has been in existence for several teams from different parts of the country in the last couple of years.

We have information on unaccompanied minors, boys are exploited for criminal or other purposes (County administrative board of Stockholm, sweden to 2018:3). There are also differences between different groups of children in terms of access to interventions from the social services. For example, to be granted to the boys with a foreign background have less money than boys are born in Sweden, in spite of the commonality of needs. (National agency for the treatment and omsorgsanalys 2018:10) the Gangs successful business strategy
It has been proven to be a success, and the growth of criminal gangs that use children for a variety of services. The kids are looking for community and affirmation, but in what they can do is to carry weapons and money, and to hide the drug in his own storage room/apartment, check and warn if the police or any other player. The children will receive praise, and are attracted to the criminal lifestyle, and the promise of money, a better life and nice things. This is similar to the recruitment of victims of trafficking in human beings.

the Kids who are acting springpojkar to the criminal is looking for the community and for a confirmation, type the debaters.Photo by: SHUTTERSTOCK
They are criminals, gaining an increased sense of security for themselves – they don’t have to carry drugs or weapons, and with access to willing assistants, when they need to.

the state shall protect Children from being drawn into criminal activity. This is to be a family, and the community to see, but if it does happen to be orosanmälningar to be made, the social services investigated and appropriate action taken. Local authorities have a more general preventive work is also important in order to be able to stop, or to catch up with the children who are at risk of being recruited into a life of crime.

What do we do for our clients?

But, what about the people who are using the children as couriers for the criminal purpose, the crime shall be sentenced to? What is the penalty might be?

the Swedish människohandelslagstiftningen or the regulations, if the commission of serious criminal offences covering the full-out action to hire and/or use of children for criminal purposes. The trafficking of human beings forbids the recruitment of a certain operation, but it is not always for the purpose of committing any criminal offence; and if the children are being used as sentries, or to run with the messages, there may be no straffbestämmelse.

We have rules on the solicitation of the youth, but it is just a matter of the media not to gather around him a crowd of eager wannabes. This phenomenon is not new, but it has been brought to the fore, and deepening of, inter alia, by the emergence of the territorially based gangs.
using the law in creative
Our suggestion:

to Use existing laws creatively and to consider whether the människohandelsbrottet can be used to prevent certain people entering into criminality.

, An investigation or a review, it should identify the phenomenon and to propose an action plan.

, the New legislation may be required.

the Deputy chief prosecutor of the icty, Gothenburg, sweden.

as a Senior researcher, an expert of the vulnerable groups of children.

as a Senior investigator, and a social worker.

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