The Countdown to Christmas runs, the pressure increases to buy the last gifts. Many from escape the crowds in the seasonally crowded inner cities and shopping from the comfort of the sofa. Only: this online purchased gifts ever in time?

Sara Stalder, Director of consumer protection, warns not to rely on it. Delays and delays appear to be over the whole year. In the run-up to Christmas this accent. Customers would have reported in time before the holidays increased because of delays in delivery or default in the case of online orders to the consumer protection. Currently, a customer would have about the electronics retailer Fust difficult: The Coop-daughter to show products in the online shop as available, but would not then. Customers would wait in vain for your gifts.

“A lottery,”

“Before Christmas, the online trading is a lottery. I would just before Christmas to order something online. Who wants to go, that on Christmas eve all the gifts are under the tree, buys stationary,” says Stalder. Online it is worth in this busy time, early orders. Also, the was but is no guarantee to receive the goods in a timely manner.

There is also the dealer, which is not delivered notoriously, says the consumer activist. In part, the sun even to the fact that the Shops were already gone bankrupt. It would, however, in the case of all large retailers to delays, often due to delivery bottlenecks with manufacturers.

Less than 1 percent too late

Fust spokeswoman Sabine Weber told the delivery delays that you had at Fust to a General availability Problem. During the high-volume Black-Friday-days of the end of November you have not been able to keep the availability display on the online shop is always the case with all the articles for all of the branches at any time currently. “In the meantime, the Situation has normalized again and the are Available on the Online Shop again à jour,” says Weber.

That the ordered goods have not yet arrive before Christmas guaranteed: package service in a festive costume. Picture: Reuters

The largest Swiss online retailer Digitec Galaxus inform on the topic of delays, massive delays in delivery of more than eight days were not uncommon and affect less than 1 percent of all orders. “In 99 percent of all cases, the packages arrive without significant delay”, so Digitec-Galaxus-speaker Tobias Billeter. In the Christmas season this number due to seasonal factors, although a bit higher: “In relation to the number of sent packets, we don’t have sun in December, but much more delays,” said Billeter.

In the rare cases where there is massive delays, the Problem can often be the IT interface to the supplier. Say that the balance from the inventory to the manufacturer with the online shop still not clean functioning. “In the worst case, it may be that you ordered, for example, a wooden table, which must be produced by the carpenter. Then, delays in delivery are inevitable,” said Billeter.

In the case of products, the Galaxus itself lead to the bearing, the issue of delays in control. The online retailer is working with its suppliers to continually improve the interfaces, so the orders deadline come and ask at the customer.

Video: high-operation of the parcel post
In Härkingen half a Million packages will go on peak days by the system. (Anja Stadelmann)

competitor pointed out that he, think differently than the majority of Swiss online retailer – over 200’000 items constantly on the own stock. “About 99.9 percent of all the deliveries for a year to come on time for our customers,” said spokesman Daniel Rei. “Delays do not occur in the case of those products, we constantly keep in stock.” In the 1500 suppliers existed differences in terms of reliability and speed of delivery. Between the supplier and the dealer, it could come to delays in delivery.

Before the holidays would be in can be partially deadlines for special Order. Delays would be intercepted also by hiring seasonal and more logistics personnel. “Technical failures of our systems, and unusually high order volumes, and delays or packet losses in the case of our partners, such as the Post we can’t see before,” said Rei. Particularly high in demand prior to Christmas when consumer electronics and toys.

The retailer, Zalando shall, on request, only that it may occur with heavy snowfall or icy conditions”, of course, to unforeseen delays”. Generally speaking, we are in a good position on the last mile well for the Christmas business, spokeswoman Julia Zweigle. Customers could still 19 to of the. December, at 12.30 p.m., the order of the package within Switzerland, arrive in time to Christmas.

grace period reset

it Should come to delays, it should put customer to the dealer is mandatory and a period of grace until the end of which he could deliver the goods, subsequently, explains consumer activist Stalder. This second period has expired, customers could continue to demand the delivery of the goods and damages for the delay. Or you can withdraw from the contract. Stalder is recommended also, to pay orders, never in advance.

Generally, delays are tolerable, as long as the dealer immediately, in a transparent, says Stalder. The leg hold, to inform the customer that there will be a one-time delay and when the package would be delivered. Who wants to have his nerves in the days leading up to Christmas preserve, so in the Store or ordered goods, which are marked in the online shop as products in their own warehouse of the shop. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 14.12.2018, 13:47 PM