In the new HLN app is more than ever regionieuws and it has a new name. All the news from your neighborhood, you will find now under the title ‘in the neighbourhood’. In the HLN app is very easy: once swipe to the right and you will find everything back.
‘in the neighbourhood’ brings together The Latest News all the regionieuws under one umbrella. You will immediately know what is going on in your municipality by clicking on the ‘close’ button on the site or one time to the right to swiping the screen in our new app. Choose your municipality and also get the latest articles beautifully on your homepage.
In the HLN app is very easy: once swipe to the right and you will find everything
regionieuws is now called ‘near’
We are not changing only the name, but we work also on the content of the regionieuws. From now on you get more and faster than ever, news from your neighborhood. You can see a plume of smoke through your kitchen window? Then you read for us where it lights up. But we also bring more news from all of the 300 Flemish municipalities, Brussels. It Is nice to eat in the new restaurant around your corner? A glimpse into that beautiful new building around the corner? How would your mayor can increase security in your municipality? You read right with us.
Logging in, click on a “+” and you can have up to four municipalities to follow in the new HLN-app. You can also see a list of the best regionieuws from the whole of Flanders select by clicking on the ‘Popular near’ button. One time swiping to the right or in the menu click on ‘near’.