The Bayer group is threatening because of its US subsidiary, Monsanto, again, legal Trouble: The Paris Prosecutor’s office launched on Friday an investigation against Monsanto, because this should have led to a secret list, with critics in France.

According to a report by the broadcaster, France 2, the seed and pesticide producer Monsanto, critical politicians, scientists and journalists “educate”, particularly stubborn opponent, even “monitor”. Bayer stressed, to have no knowledge of it.

Against Monsanto, a criminal investigation had been initiated because of illegal collection of private data, informed the public Prosecutor’s office in Paris. She was responding to a lawsuit the newspaper “Le Monde” and a journalist whose Name was on the list.

scores from 0 to 5

PR agencies should have led the list in the order of the US group. Of this total, roughly 200 names, according to the report of France 2 last lists, with grades from 0 to 5, depending on the influence and degree of support for Monsanto. The politicians, scientists or journalists were listed with home address, phone number, and even your Hobbies.

the former French environment Minister Ségolène Royal on the list – as a “zero-influence” because of their opposition to the controversial herbicide glyphosate. The socialist has called it “perverse” that people so classified. They called for steps “to clean the System from malicious Lobbying”.


Also, four employees of the news Agency AFP were on the list, which includes half of the journalists. In addition to “Le Monde” also announced the public broadcaster Radio France juuristische steps as a result of data abuse, other media want to call the data protection authority, CNIL.

the organizations food watch and Générations Futures, the action against pesticides in food, prepare according to information complaints.

The Bayer group, declared at the request of AFP that he had “no knowledge” of the operations of its subsidiary. The Leverkusen-based company also stressed the importance of data protection.

Bayer is due to the Monsanto Acquisition in the past year, under massive pressure. The shareholders of Bayer, had denied the group chief Werner Baumann at the end of April the discharge. Earlier, the shares had plummeted course, because in the United States, thousands of Cancer claims because of the Herbicide, glyphosate. (Dec/sda)

Created: 10.05.2019, 22:03 PM