“The demand for more green fuel in flygtanken”

“the Production of biofuels for the aviation industry should get a boost through higher requirements on fuel suppliers. About ten years should be 30% in the tank to be biofuels, something that is reflected in the ticket prices. At the same time, devoid of leading researchers, bets on the Swedish production of fuel.”

“the Aviation industry is plagued by a bad conscience among many travelers. The phenomenon has even got its own name: flygskam. In order to make the method more environmentally friendly have government investigators, the former miljöpartistiska spokesperson, Maria Wetterstrand, speaking of the opportunity to get more renewable fuels in the tank.”

“Her conclusions are reported for the government on Monday. The main proposal is a so-called reduktionsplikt, which require fuel suppliers to blend a certain amount of biofuels in the new jet fuel.”

“the Proposal is proposed to enter into force in 2021, with a requirement of one per cent biofuel in the tank to 2030 the equivalent of 30 per cent. This would mean that a inrikesresa three crowns more expensive per ticket and an overseas trip 18 sek more expensive, according to the investigation.”

“Erik Furusjö, professor of environmental engineering at Luleå university of technology, describes the proposal as ambitious. At the same time he is concerned that the inquiry does not propose any support for the production of transport fuels in Sweden.”

“– is, of Course, the production to stand on its own legs. Initially, however, the need for production support to become commercially sustainable.”

“Biofuels are already in the tank on some of the aircraft that take off from uk airports. The company Braathens, plying several routes within the uk, allowing, for example, customers pay a higher fare in order to be able to buy into biofuel. The fuel is imported from USA and manufactured by the use cooking oil.”

“According to Erik Furusjö is this type of biofuel is not bad, but availability is limited. He sees instead the potential of a resource of which there is plenty, not least in Sweden: the forests.”

“– It is not about cutting down more forest, but to use the residues from the forest industry.”

“He is leading a project in Piteå, sweden, within the framework of the institute RISE where black liquor, a waste product from the manufacture of wood pulp, is converted to fuel. It is hoped that it can be reviewed in the commercial traffic already in 2021. To more environmentally friendly fuels become more expensive is completely natural, ” says Erik Furusjö.”

“– in addition, It is not appropriate to compare biofuels with fossil fuels, which have a price that changes depending on the market situation. It is for the environment we develop the fuel, not the economy.”

“Still describes price as one of the main bottlenecks. Biofuels is at least three times more expensive than conventional jet fuel, the manufacturing process is complicated and the availability button. But a bet on the forest’s potential would bring the market to grow, says Erik Furusjö.”

“– To feed the aviation sector with renewable fuel from the forest is possible. An established production of biofuels in Sweden is what would make us a world leader.”

“the Emissions from air traffic are increasing and today represents about five per cent of the emissions in Sweden. In addition to introducing an aviation tax even bet the government on the development of biofuels to reduce emissions. Among other things, the Swedish energy agency has received a sek 100 million that will go to the bränsleforskning.”

“To completely replace fossil fuel with biofuels would only lead to a halving of the färdsättets total emissions. The reason is, inter alia, the so-called höghöjdseffekten, which means that emissions at high altitude affect the climate differently.”

“Less than one percent of the fuel in the Swedish aircraft will in the day from biofuels.”