The dialogue from the economy, politics, science and society must be intensified, new forms of Participation, with the involvement of the civil society have to be tested and the communication of science to be strengthened. This is the objective of the coalition contract of CDU/CSU and the SPD must not lose now longer in the non-binding nature and lack of vision. Is needed now is a strong impetus for the public and party discussion, which finally brings a clarification for some of the key questions on strengthening the scientific communication.
This will not be easy. Science, like journalism, are finally fitted for good reasons, particular freedoms. Science communication should be in the tasks, such as structures of importance for the state, the economy and society from the state and is to be treated very sensitively by political as well as governmental instances.
That science communication is increasingly recognized as a challenge, has to do with some of the sustainable Trends in the production, such as reception and functionalization of scientific knowledge. There is an exponential growth of scientific knowledge and publications. We diagnose a growing penetration of work and the economy through science as well as civil society actors more and more by scientific evidence legitimise, but also in the sense of a “Citizen Science” even in the scientific process. Science communication does not need to finally, in a broad Public enlightenment, so that it comes to a division of the population into a smaller group of science-savvy, and a larger number of people, of science.

journalists are under pressure

progress in the extent as in the quality of science communication are called into question, because the medial structures are changing so that the classical forms of a reputable science journalism is coming under increasing pressure. It is the capacity for high-quality journalism in the traditional media are missing in many cases; and in the new media have not constructed the structures. Precarious work can put pressure on science journalists to be at the frontier between critical journalism and the inter-food-led Marketing. At the same time, the communication of science to convincingly deal with Fake News, and ideological and political sources of fed actions to the establishment of an anti-scientific counter-public.
With a view to strengthening the communication of science to the science and research politician of the SPD make three suggestions for discussion.
The most Important thing: The promotion of the science communication needs of the science priority and Expertise for concepts. Here, only the Council is not required, you should quickly make an assessment on the current state and perspectives. The science organisations and the German rectors ‘ conference must take the Initiative for the development of common principles and concepts for modern science communication. The research programs by the Federal government are in a suitable Form with the expectation of science communication.

An Agency may projects manage

In the context of an Agency for science communication, with the participation of science as well as media as social actors, a programme of support for special projects of the science to manage communication. Initiatives to a science-dpa à la Science Media centre in Germany gGmbH, or other journalistic projects in science journalism. Under the umbrella of this Agency for the communication of science, but also questions of fundamental importance to prepare, such as the ideas of a public science platform or a science channel on TV or in social media. The funding of this Agency should be done through a Foundation model, with not only public funding.
the establishment of an Academy for science communication is, Finally, a third proposal: For the quality assurance of the communication of science. This can be done either as a stand-alone Academy or in the jurisdiction of an existing science Academy. As a priority, their national and international reputation, and the standard setting are the end weight of this device. Because that is what it needs to go: quality in the broad and critical skills in the Public. – The author is a member of the German Bundestag (SPD) and Chairman of the Committee for education, research and technology assessment.