(Obi.en) Shippingnettstedet Lloyd’s List has published its annual ranking of the 100 most influential people in shipping.

Included a utflyttet sveisersønn raised at Etterstad in Oslo, the six norwegians who have put their stamp on the list.

Sveisersønnen is, of course, John Fredriksen Friday held its annual julelunsj on the venerable Theatercafeen.

He has previously topped the list, and sneaks in the year just into the top 10 list with a finfin ninth place.

Old accomplice

the Next Norwegian names on the list is DNB-director Kristin Breivik on a 34. space.

12 place behind her, we find Fredriksens old companion, Tor Olav Trøim who are now wagering massive on your own including rigging, dry cargo and LNG shipping, through, respectively, the Drill for Drilling, 2020 Bulkers and Golar LNG.

Fredriksens tørrlastsjef, the Golden Ocean-top Birgitte Vartdal, ports on a 62. space, while the head of it at Höegh LNG, Sveinung J. S. Støhle, is the number 79.

the Last Norwegian city on the prestigious list is president and ceo Thomas Wilhelmsen of Wilh. Wilhelmsen-group 82. space.

the List is topped by IMO chief Kitack Paste that with the new regulations, among other things, related to the sulphur content in the fuel, which is introduced in 2020 is in the process of putting a kjempepreg on shippingbransjen.

Ready with the money bag

John Fredriksen controls a variety of companies within several different segments, including tankrederiet Frontline, tørrlastrederiet Golden Ocean, the LNG vessel Flex LNG, as well as the shipowning company Ship Finance.

In addition, he owns riggselskapene Seadrill and the Northern Drilling.

– We try to spread the investments of our but see all the time on the opportunities for bargains in the shipping and offshore. There, it can show up things now. And we are in a situation where we are sitting on a solid cashbeholdning and can act quickly, ” said Fredriksen to On Saturday.

He said it is well satisfied with 2018 until the last stock market decline.

But next year there will be enough uneven due to the political situation in the world, with the danger of an escalating trade war. This provides spin-off effects for the shipping industry and can also affect the oil and offshore, he said.

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