The metropolitan RERs seem to be on the right track. Projects “already advanced” should be certified by the State by the end of 2024, prior to the payment of aid, announced the Minister for Transport Patrice Vergriete this Wednesday March 13. He also plans a “financing conference” with the communities by June.
Framed by a law passed in December in Parliament, these “regional metropolitan express services” (Serm) desired by Emmanuel Macron, equivalent to the RER in Île-de-France, must concern around ten large French metropolises within 10 years. “We will undoubtedly operate in two stages, identifying the first labels during this first half of 2024, that is to say identifying projects already advanced, territories which have been working for a long time,” declared Patrice Vergriete during a conference on the subject in Bordeaux.
“Labeling means that the political principles of Serm are implemented at the local level. Then, there will be a little finer work with the State services to arrive at the final decree, I hope to have final decrees before the end of 2024 to initiate the aid procedure. he added. He set two objectives for these projects: the decarbonization of transport and the rebalancing of metropolitan areas in favor of small and medium-sized cities.
The government has promised an initial envelope of 767 million euros for studies and to begin the first works, broken down within the framework of State-region plan contracts (CPER). Promising a “real budgetary ambition” for “everyday mobility”, Patrice Vergriete nevertheless specified that a “financing conference” would take place in the first half of 2024 with the communities involved.
“I hope that this will be an opportunity to enter into this debate, to arrive at something conclusive on the evolution of the economic model of mobility in France,” he said. We can imagine Serm without the State, we do not have to expect everything from the State.”
For now, the Nantes Serm has already been allocated 101 million euros by 2027 and must be “one of the first to see the light of day” according to the authorities. In Strasbourg, the project is well advanced despite hiccups at its launch; and in Bordeaux, one of the most advanced projects with Lille according to the government, the project must gradually ramp up to be completed in 2030. Some Serm, on the other hand, are not expected before 2035 as in Aix-Marseille or Grenoble.