4.6 billion euros were invested in 2018 in German Start-ups – as much as never before. In comparison to the previous year, the total rose by seven per cent, as the annual Start-up-Barometer of EY shows. In terms of regional distribution, more than half accounted for by a total of EUR 4.6 billion to 2.64 billion at Berlin-based start-up companies. The volume, however, decreased by 11 percent.

The reason: in 2017 alone, Delivery Hero had received more than 800 million Euro, in 2018, there were fewer such Mega-transactions, although alone Auto1 also has received 460 million. This is almost as much as the total sum of investments in all the Hamburg-based Start-ups (548 million Euro), and significantly more venture capital than the founders in North Rhine-Westphalia were able to collect (243 million).

the Latter is relevant in so far as 2018, many media have reported that NRW had Berlin as the leading German Start-up site obsolete. This was related to the Startup Monitor, a survey of the most founders from North Rhine-Westphalia participated.

On the second place in Bavaria, where Start-ups with EUR 802 million, almost twice as much collected as in the previous year. “The Start-up location of Bavaria with the center in Munich is developing rapidly and catching up with huge steps,” says Hubert Barth, Chairman and CEO of EY Germany.

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Also, the number of investments rose to a record high of 615, to 507 in the previous year. In particular, the means to put large investments in the range between 10 and 50 million euros: The figure rose from 54 to 80. “Investment in the two digit million range will enable Start-ups to scale their business model and to internationalize,” says Peter Lennartz, a Partner at EY. “The more pleasing is the significant increase in such Deals – it shows that apparently a considerable number of German Start-ups has now reached a high level of maturity.”

ICOs, almost on a par with IPOs

in addition to venture capital financing and classic IPOs, the survey also captures ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), where cryptographic tokens are issued. A total of German Start-ups of 2018 took at 22 ICOs 255 million euros.

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The trend, however, is falling fast: After 13 ICOs in the first half of the year, which contributed 205 million euros, were registered in the second half of the year, only nine transactions with a volume of only 49 million Euro. Nevertheless, the amount is in the order of magnitude of traditional IPOs: in 2018, there were three IPOs of Start-ups, the 331 million euros in revenue.